13. Because

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HEYHIHELLO!! Hey I am sorry to keep you waiting. It is here the 13th chapter hope you like it and if you do leave a COMMENT,VOTE AND SHARE!

Feedback is welcomed Good or Bad. I know I am bad at grammar :( but I try to remember those boring days sitting in class almost falling asleep what the teacher was talking about. Hahaha

Stay Beautiful and Fangirl On~~Fangirling Girl


**One week later**

It has been one week already that I haven't done anything but went to work. It was like work than home and the cycle begins again. It was torture it used to not be since that's all I did, but then some people came into my life.

Lizz was constantly watch over my every move. It was killing me. It is as bad that I am starting to get scared that she would start following me into the bathroom. I than got a mental picture. Gross.

I have not encounter Aiden which I am glad. He can go chase some other girl and pretend to like them. Talk crap about me with his friends is his thing anyways.

My parents have not come back yet, nor have they called. I can already picture my mom and dad sipping on a coconut and not even for a second think about their long lost daughter. It is weird that I think about them when they probably don't.

I have not seen Kyle either. Also my hands have healed but I have scars now.

I looked at the clock.

Closing time, baby.

"Hey Lizz come on you turtle. It is closing time." I said. It was Friday and no work tomorrow!

She came running out the door."Gosh! I am coming you pig!" We have been insulting each other over the last week. You could say it is mean but we do it for fun. It is funny getting weird looks by people.

Lizz hugged me and we both went separate ways. The sun was setting and it looked really pretty. I made my way to my car when I turned the corner.

I about had a heart attack. It was Aiden with some girl. I looked again and they were now kissing. He was holding her closer to him. A tear slipped down my cheek. I whipped the tear fast. Why am I even crying over him when he talked crap about me and lied to me. Did I still have feelings over him?

I put my back against the wall. Something in me cracked. I didn't know what to do. I knew I couldn't just go to my car without looking at him with her. Did he do it on propose just to hurt me more? It is working.

Someone grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I came face to face with Kyle. I spoke to soon.I can't deal with him now. I looked at him closely and saw he did not have that angry face of his. He just looked down at me. His eyes looked different from the usual ones. It was like he was feeling sorry.

He took me around to the front of The Bookstore. I tried my hardest to not look like I was crying.He stopped and was looking at someone. I followed his eyes and they were set on a blonde girl. She was with some of her friends I guessed. She looked back at him and frowned when she saw us. I than noticed he was holding my hand.

Kyle turned his face at the same time she did. The way he looked at her gave me a clue.

"You like her don't you?" I asked him.

He just kept quiet and kept walking. "I know you do by the way you looked at her and she looked at you." I said.

"It is complicated. Okay!" He said back to me. He obviously didn't want to talk much of it. I don't get why he is after me when he could be with her. It could be another thing he is after me. I don't think it is to ruin my future but something else.

I had not given much thought that I was with Kyle. I would rather be with him that seeing Aiden and that girl. Kyle didn't seem like he was going to kill me soon.

We kept walking. He wouldn't even stop for a bit. We came to the beach. The sun looked beautiful. I hope he was not planning to kill me here. He sat down on some rocks and was just watching the sun go down.

I sat beside him."Kyle why are you after me when you could be with her?" I said.

"Because..."He said. I sat there waiting for his responds. 


That's it. Sorry don't Kill me. Just Remember if you do there is not going to be anymore updates. -_- hahahaha. Thanks for reading my story so far. I have a lot more to update. IF YOU LIKE THIS COMMENT,VOTE AND SHARE if you can. Leave Feedback if you want, 

Who has been victimized by One of your teachers?

Stay Beautiful and Fangirl On~~Fangirling Girl


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