3. The Jacksons

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I hope you like this one also. This may have typos like i said last time.

"Miss Amily it is time for you to get up." Ruby, our maid said. She was shaking my shoulder very gentle. I have told her to like shake me like their is a tornado but she doesn't. She obviously doesn't like me, or she doesn't want to get fired, but why would I hate on her.

"I am up, thanks." Once I said that she left. I grabbed my phone from under my covers. I wiped my mouth with my hands making sure that I didn't drool.

"It is only 12 a clock. Seriously!" We were going for dinner to the Jackson's not breakfast. No new messages. Wow isn't that a bummer. The only people who text me are my parents. Sometimes some of my cousins. I am fine don't really have to worry about keeping up on all the gossip and doing what ever friends do. I am free.

I walked into my closet. I had a lot of cloth, but I did not wear all of them. My mom usually buys me stuff that I typically don't like, but I don't say anything. She obviously wants me to be a little more girly, but I don't want to be like her. That thought just makes me want to barf Agh gross.

I spent like 30 miutes trying to pick something but I gave up.

"MOM!" I needed some fashion advice and the only person I knew was my mom. I knew I was going to regret this so bad. I felt like my head was going to blow up. I was laying on the floor of my closet. I am good at picking outfits with skinny jeans and converse and all but fancy. About that yeah I am as bad as a hobo.

"Amily get off the floor!" My mom yelled at me as she opened the door. I knew it was coming. I got up and brushed the dirt of my pajamas.

"Sorry. So umm I need help on yeah. I need help on picking out an outfit for the...can you help me?" I said. Woah I almost died. I have asked my mom for help before, but only for this kind of situations because she gets annoyed if I ask her something else. Her face lid up. It was like she saw the perfect dress and she was going for it. She has done that before and she fought for it too. My mom and this other woman were fighting over the dress. It was hilarious of course my mom won. She wore it once than she gave it to me. The dress is probably somewhere in my closet.

"Of course I will ,Honey." She said as she was looking through my closet. She will help me pick an outfit, but she won't even care about how I am doing. Great mom. She gets the award too. I have tried to talk to her but she is always says she is busy and if I try now she would it probably end as a fight.

I sat on my bed waiting for her to pick an outfit. I played with my fingers. It felt like the time was going slow. It was an eternity until she finally did. She had a light blue short dress that had a black belt around it with some black heels. It was really pretty. I didn't even know I had that dress.

"That's really pretty mom. Thanks so much." I grabbed it from her hands and put it up to my body.

"You're welcome, but before you put it on go eat something." She said as she left. I can't believe my mother thinks I will ruin the dress. It is possible, but still I have manners like how to grab a spoon the right way and how to eat like a girl and not like a pig.

I went down the stairs to the kitchen. I grabbed some cereal. I was outside admiring the view of the beach. I don't know how long I stayed looking at it because by the time it was 2 I was still outside.

I went up the stairs to get ready. Do all those stuff girly girls do. I would rather stay home in a hoodie even though it was hot outside. I took a shower and brushed my hair than blow dried it. I put on the dress and admired how it looked. I made my hair curly with a waterfall braid. I put on some makeup and grabbed a little purse that matched my dress to put my stuff in it. I did not trust this short dress so I put a pair of light blue shorts under it and my heels. I looked myself in the mirror and I looked differently than I usually do. It made me a little scared. I actually looked like a girly girl.

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