41. Fudge!

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***FIRST OF ALL THERE ARE TYPOS!!! The website I usually use to check says it is too long so it wouldn't let me...UGH!!

oh which brings me to the next point it is a LONNNNGG part.



Amily's POV.

"Can you lift you hand up, please?" I did as the nurse asked. I hissed as she applied some liquid on me.

"Sorry it may hurt." She said after seeing me wince. She applied the liquid once more on another cut making me wince more and hate Aiden for bringing me to the hospital when I could have done this at home. Her name was Amy as it said in her name tag and as much as really wanted to hit her too I didn't. She was helping me, but at the same time bringing me pain.

"The doctor will be here shortly." Amy walked out leaving me with Aiden alone. He came right up to me with a worried look on his face. He grabbed my hand examining it.

"Oooo..I hope he brings his TARDIS." I said breaking the silence. Aiden laughed at my crony joke and kissed my cheek.

"That hurt." I said rubbing my cheek.

"Oh well." He said.

*5 Hours Earlier*

"I can do this. I am the beautiful bride and than there's the bridesmaids. I am the princess today." Lizz said into the mirror. She fixed her dress like 20 times already, smoothing it here and there. It was a ball gown dress with lace on it. She did look like a princess, but she was turning into the witch.

"Oh mirror, mirror on the wall who's going to be late to their own wedding if she doesn't stop boosting her ego." I said gaining a hit in the back of the head from her.

"I am not ready." She complained.

"Yes, you are." I grabbed her bouquet of flowers and placed them on her hands. Everything should go smoothly. She was more than ready.

"Why if I mess up."

"You won't."

"What if my dress make me trip like how Jennifer Lawrence did." I rolled my eyes.

"Stop being negative."

"I am being logical." Since when is she about logic.

"No you're not. You're making yourself paranoid." I apply a bit of more make-up and wait for the signal for us to go out.

Someone knocks on the door. Lizz stays seated with a worried expression on her face. I walk trying not to rip this dress off of me. I open the door and Aiden is there.

"We will start in three minutes." I nod and try to back inside before he grabs my hand.

"What?" I look at him annoyed that I have to get Lizz out in three minutes. Three minutes is not enough!

"You have something on your dress." I get my hand out of his grip and try to find anything on it. I soon get what he is doing and I smile.

"No I don't. You already used that one."

"Dang it!" He says in defeat. His about to walk away when I grab his face in my hands and kiss him. I pull away and push him away before he can do anything else. I smile like a idiot till I get to the door.

"Lizz! It's show time!" I walk in yelling.

"I am not ready!" I groan. She is more than ready.

"You don't want to leave Tyler up there all alone or do you?" I put each arm on her shoulder.

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