40. I still hate dresses.

559 15 1

*-* Hai!!! *-*

I wanna apologize for not updating sooner....see I had writersblock and than you add a bit of awkwardness in there too ohhh let's not forget about school along with awkwardness between two people and yeah. You have day in the life of me...fudge my life!!

Anyways read on darlings:)

Amily's P.O.V.

Today is the day that it would either go great or bad and no in between. It was Lizz's wedding and everything had to be just right. Lizz made sure of that by making us prepare everything the day before. Now I would have rather be home on my bed than be there setting things up, but me being a good friend I did as Lizz asked or else.

I didn't want to get up. I've had to snooze my alarm five times, I think.  Could be more but I don't know. I snuggled more into Aiden as he wrapped his arms around me more. His abs will be the death of me.

"Aiden." I placed a small kiss on his cheek making him smile a bit.

"Mmhmm." His eyes still closed.

"Get up." I wiggled around trying to get out of his grip, but the more I moved the more he would grip me. I gave up trying to struggle this early in the morning.

"Nope." He said into my ear sending chills down my body. His voice making me forget everything to come that day.

"It's Lizz's Wedding and I don't want her to turn into a bridezilla." He laughed while taking his grip of me and letting me go.

"That would be amusing and frightening." He said sitting upright on the bed letting the sheets fall exposing his abs.

"Not to the person she let's her anger on. Put a shirt on." I said throwing a shirt at him. He catches even though I aimed bad.

"I thought you would like my shirt off? By the way you're a bad thrower."

"Conceited much?" I grab my cloth and head to the bathroom.

"You're just jealous someone else would see me shirtless." I laugh closing the door behind me. He better put that shirt on if he does leave the room. Fudge! It's not my fault his drop dead gorgeous.

I place my clothes on the sink. The mirror reflects how awful I look. My hair sticking out in different directions looking frizzy. I stick my fingers through it only to make it tangle more. I sigh in annoyance. I don't even bother looking at my stomach. Those ugly scars that will never fade. It's been over two years since I've last done that and I don't plan on doing that ever again.

I shower quickly leaving enough water for Aiden to shower. I change into my clothes to wake Kerisen up. I eat the pancakes Aiden left for me on drawers quickly before leaving. I knock and wait for her to open. The door swings open and there stands Kerisen dressed in her bridesmaid dress. She wasn't asleep after all.

"You look adorable." I say.

"Thanks." She simply says.

"I just came to tell you that we would be leaving in a few." She nods and I leave, but not before seeing her bags packed. She's not leaving till next week though.

I come back in the room still slightly confused. She would have told me right?

"How do I look?" Aiden asks as soon as I walk in. His dressed in a tuxedo with a baby blue tie, matching the color of my dress that I still have to put on.

"Umm...I would say hot, but that would only bust your ego. You look..." I am cut mid sentence as Aiden's hands tickle my sides.

"No....Stop." I lean against him making him fall backwards making me land on him while making a loud sound. I get up quickly and grab my dress and head for the bathroom, locking it.

"Amily! Open up!" He bangs on the door. I wouldn't be surprised if I have to change the lock again.

"No. I am okay here." He laughs giving up. I feel the cold against my skin as I take my clothes off and lift the dress up and bring it above my head. I examine myself in the mirror admiring the color. The dress coming above my knees and strapless. I still don't like dresses. That's the only reason I didn't change till the last minute.

"I am coming out. Aiden, don't try anything." I say opening the door. I scan the room to find it empty. I felt bit of disappointment to not see Aiden here.

"Boo!" My arm goes up hitting who ever is close hard. That person being Aiden. He groans in pain trying to catch his breath.

"I am sorry."

"I'm fine." He recovers his breath and looks me up and down.

"You look so cute."

"Shut up. I want to get out of this as soon as possible so hurry up." I grab my phone and stuff it in my purse.

"Calm down, hot stuff." He says grabbed the keys to the car. I roll my eyes while yelling for Kerisen.

After a few minutes she comes out. I hope she ate breakfast. There's no telling if Lizz will let us eat in these dresses. I really hope she does because I need more than just three pancakes.


"So ready." She said with a smile on her face. At least one of us if excited.



MUAHAHAHA this is just the beginning of something BIG!!

JUST WAIT TILL NEXT CHAPTER THERE WILL BE BLOOD...just kidding let's keep it PG...but something will happen....Idk what...maybe I do...MUAHahahaha *starts coughing uncontrollably*



Gracias,Beautiful peoples:)

*Awkward C.* over and out

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