26. :(

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Heyyyyyyyyyy!! /_\ I feel awful for not really giving yall a surprise update. Well I kind of did see it is Thursday and I will also update Saturday!!!


RAWR!! Ima lion!!not sadly^o^

Well enjoy while it lasts. It's going to end soon*tear*


"Aiden!" I turned around fast and ran Aiden's direction. I heard a click followed by a gun shot.

A agitating pain came from my back as I fell forwards into Aiden's arms. He stared at me in horror at the scene in front of him. It had hit me and now I was losing a lot of blood. The pain wouldn't go away. It was like someone had stuck a knife in and pulled it out and kept doing it over and over again. My vision began to get blurry. A tear came down my cheek and he wiped it off.

"No, please don't close your eyes. Amily! Help is coming. Please!" Tears coming form his eyes. He kept pressing on the wound to stop the blood. I couldn't do anything, but watch as my life was slowly fading.

I could hear the ambulance from a far and slowly the sound faded.


Aiden's POV

They took her to the emergency room like 2 hours ago and no sign of a doctor. Her parents were sitting across from me. They eyed me occasionally, but never said anything. Lizz finally showed up bringing me some clean cloth.

I went to change, since I was covered with blood. I still had the face of Amily in my head when she was running towards me. I was going to apologize and take her to the carnival. Now it was no use.

"We just wanted to thank you for helping our daughter. She's okay, but the doctor don't know when she will wake up." Amily's father said to me as I exited the bathroom. She's going to be okay. Was all just repeating in my head. I can ask her out once she gets well.

"Thanks, sir." I said.

"Look you seem like a nice kid, but I don't want to see you with my daughter anymore."

"What?!" I was mad. He barely cares for Amily and now he is telling me to stay away form her. He doesn't even know me.

"Your bring trouble to her."

"If I can recall, I didn't shoot her." I said mad.

"We know who did and he has been put in jail, but your a bad influence for our daughter." He said raising his voice.

I left the hospital pissed. Me a bad influence?!? There the ones who are bad parents.


I had not been back to the hospital for two days already. Hospitals just disgust me. The smell of death and sickness in the air. Her parents had been my her side all times. Which seem possible that they would care. The guy was in jail. Why would he shoot her for no reason? When she screamed my name before she was shoot you could tell she was scared. Anybody would be.

I managed to trick the nurse into letting me see her I was about to turned the handle when I saw from the little window of the room. Her and Kyle laughing at something. She's with him?! I was about to come in there a beat him senseless.

Kyle excused herself and came out.

"What you think your doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious. I came to visit Amily." I pushed past him, turned the door.

"You maybe shouldn't go in there!" He said as I went in. I ignored him. I needed to see her. To hold her and ask her out.

"Hey-" I started to walk up to her when she cut me off.

"Are you one of kyle's friends? He just left to the bathroom. He will be back soon." She smiled back at me. I managed a smile before nodding and leaving. She doesn't remember me. She doesn't remember me at all.

"I told you! She doesn't remember you or anybody else she meet. I am sorry."

"I don't want you pity!" I screamed and ran out the hospital.

The girl I love doesn't even remember me! I didn't know what to do. I wanted her, but she doesn't remember me. My heart hurt like how a heartbreak would feel. I felt dead and she was the cause of this.

I put my hands in my hair. I couldn't take this. The pain in my heart. Is this how it feels to have someone who you care leave? Cause it hurts so much.

I got in my car and drove to where ever this thing takes me.


Thanks for reading!! Yay yall are awesome!!

Well it is passed my bedtime. Not that I have one psh nope!! I have School tomorrow! Yay! *note the sarcasm*

So toddles and May the odds be ever in your favor!!

~~Fangirling Girl over and out!

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