32. Sand Bag

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It was the fifth time my phone had rung. I didn't want to answer it. It was really early. I could barely manage opening my eyes.The sun was barely setting. The thought of getting up, from my comfortable position didn't feel right. I finally gave in after the sixth time.

"Hello?" My voice sounding hoarse. I didn't even check, to see who it was.

"Amily?!" Panic laced in Lizz'a words.

"Yea?" I laid back on the bed.

"I am so stupid. Forget this call. Sorry to bother you. Wrong number." She kept rumbling, a habit of her's when she is nervous. I was a bit confused to why she wanted to hang up.

"No! Lizz wait! What's wrong?!" I began sitting up.

"Y-ou..." The line went silent. You have to be kidding me! She doesn't know I remember her. I stayed on the line. My palms began to sweat. I felt like this was about Aiden.

"Lizz! Is Aiden okay?!" I ran my fingers threw my hair.

"No! I can't find him. I shouldn't be worried, but he hasn't done this in over a mouth. I also got a call from him, but all I heard was him talking to someone else." I took in Lizz's words. He didn't go home yesterday, like I thought he would have.

"Lizz I have to find him. He thinks I kissed Oliver. I promise I didn't kiss him. Oliver just had to ruin everything. We were about to leave," I couldn't help the tears roll down my fave, " he kissed me in front of Aiden. This is all my fault. I called him a ton of times. I even left voice mails, and texted him."

"I believe you. Please find him." We said our goodbyes, and hanged up. I wiped my tears away and got changed.


Aiden's POV

"Evan, leave me alone!" I punched the sand bag again, but with more force. The image glued to my brain, like gum on a shoe. The stupid image there to get me more angry than ever.

"No can do. This is my gym for one, and you can leave if you want to be left alone." If I weren't mad more at Amily maybe, I would punch him right now. I knew it would be a bad idea to come here.

Crap, I wasn't even thinking, when I came here of all places. I glared at him and went back to punching the sand bag. Imagining it was that guys face, that only made me hit harder.

"Have you thought about coming back to street fighting." I stopped myself, and wiped off sweat from my forehead. Evan just sat in the corner with a cigarette in his hand. He kept talking and it annoyed the crap out of me. If only looks could kill, Evan would be dead.

Yeah, I've thought about it, but I don't really want to anymore. The feeling when I would win a fight. It was amazing, and do I miss it? You bet. After what happened with Amily, I quit for good and I don't think of doing it again. I don't care if Evan pushes me to. I won't give in. I threw a few more punches and took the tape off.

"No." I said coldly to him. He puffed smoke into the air.

"Well I got a new fighter. His not good as you, but his good." Like I give a crap.

"And you're telling me this why?" He stands up as I put my shirt back on.

"His the guy who kissed your girl." How in the world this he know this? I told him clearly to leave me alone and Amily. My blooded boiled even more. Before I could even process what I was doing, I had Evan pinned to the wall.

"I told you to stay away from me and Amily!" I snapped at him.

"I sent people to spy on Oliver. Chill!" I let go of him. I stepped away from him, as he gained his balanced again. His name is Oliver. What does he need money for? He is rich from what I can tell.

"What you mean spy on him?" I ask. Evan gets another cigarette. No wonder he doesn't have the energy to defend himself.

"Just the same I did to you." He said back. He knew about Amily and my family. I didn't want to talk to him. I grabbed my stuff ans headed towards the door.

"Oh! Aiden! Oliver kissed your girl not the other way around." I closed the door with anger. I looked around for my motorcycle. A black Mercedes started pulled up. The Windows were tinted, who knew who it was. The door opened and our came Oliver. He lifted his shades up, eyeing me.

"Just because you're rich. It doesn't mean that you're the freaking president. You stay away from Amily." I pushed him against his car.

"After you left her she was begging me to kiss her again." I crushed my fist into his face. He dodged it making me hit the car, making a dint. I don't give a flip about his car. I swung again this time hitting his chin. He swung at me, I dodged it. He aimed at my face and hit me. I few more swings and he was about to fall.

"Break it up you two!" Evan came to the freaking rescue, just when I was going to hit him again.

I got on my motorcycle and left


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