37. Stress over Lizz's Wedding

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HEYHIHELLO!! Chapter 37....yay!

Thanks for reading this far and I hope you read on till I am finished with it.



Amily's POV

2 months later

"This is stressful. I mean why can't you just get plain cups. Do they really need to be custom made?" I said, after being seated in front of a computer, trying to find a place that does such thing. She stopped what she was doing. Looking at me straight in the eyes as if she was staring into my soul. I am dead, I wouldn't be the maid of honor anymore.

"No, they can't be. I want them to have our initials on them! Not just some crappy letters! Nice, neatly drawn letters! Special font too and the cups need to be pretty too."

Well than why not just write it with  sharpie.

"Sharpie? Really?" I looked at her shocked. She was glaring at me now. I didn't mean to say it out loud. This whole wedding thing is getting really getting her stressed out. She wants everything to be perfect. As the maid of honor I have to help with everything. It's been stressful on me too. I've had Lily work more lately. She says she doesn't care, but it really bothers me.

"I was not supposed to say that out loud."

"Sure you weren't." She said annoyed. I really didn't want to get her mad because not only will she be mad, but may drop me to be one of her bridesmaid instead. So stressful.

I can do this!

It's my best friend we are talking about I will do anything for her.....or at least try to. Even if it was to find a place that made custom cups with T&L on them. Sadly there was not may places here and it really sucked not many that will be willing to make it Lizz approved.

"How about this place? It's not far from here." She eyed the website and examen everything on it. They had decent cups and fonts too, better than the ones we had seen before. I let out a sigh. Where is Aiden? It's almost five and I haven't seen him since yesterday.

"I like it. I'll call them up in a few. In the mean time why don't you help me pick a color for the table sheets?" She handed me five different colored sheets, two that looked exactly alike. I eyed them trying to make out the difference, but I saw none. It was useless, when I thought that maybe I was finished. Lizz had something else for me. 

The wedding is like about two months away and I get why she is stressing. Her wedding dress was already here and all the bridesmaids had their dresses. I am glad she didn't wait long to get the dress. She would of been pulling out her hair. She had everything figured out and I am glad for that. Organized people are wonderful.

"What are you doing?" Aiden said.


"Aiden!" I threw the sheets on the table dashing to hug Aiden. I made him stumble backwards and land on the couch with my on top of him.

"What's got you all excited?"

"You." I kissed him for a bit.

"Amily I- GUYS! Hello could y'all suck each others faces some other time!" Aiden groaned in annoyance. I looked back at Lizz and if looks could kill she would be gone. She walked in on us with her phone in her hand. She must have left the room.

"As I was saying I need you to do a huge favour for me." I looked at her a bit uncomfortable. Last time I had to do a huge favor I was made to get all the bridesmaid fitted in their dresses. Not fun at all. How about the other time I was left alone to find a place for her wedding and she got mad at me because she didn't like it. It had the view of the beach for goodness sakes!

"Okay what is it?"

"Well you know my friend Kerisen is coming to the wedding and she needs a place to stay. Doyoumindifshestaysherewithyou?"


"Can you repeat the last part slowly?

"Do you mind if she stays here with you for a little while?" She let out a breathe. I looked at Aiden and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"No I guess not. I just need to clean the guest room out a bit." How bad could it be? It was only for two months. Lizz had told me about her and what not. Kerisen sounded nice.

"Thanks Bye." She gather up her things and went out the door not even bothering to say bye to Aiden. It's not like Aiden was not going to see her later.

Free at last.

"Now where we're we? Oh yeah I remember." He went back to kissing me.


How do you think Kerisen will be like?


GRACIAS:) I Loaf yall:)


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