20. Aiden meets Kyle

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Hey, sorry for keeping yall waiting. Well here is part 20! Hope yall like it:)


Aiden's P.O.V

**Two weeks later**

The last two weeks Evan has been giving me fights everyday. Well not really but I felt like it. I came home bruised but I tried not to get noticed. It is hard when your sister likes to hit you every second.

I was currently in the gym. Punching sand bags. It was more of a hobby than try to train for the fight.

Punch Right

Punch Left


"Hey,Aiden." It was the same guy from the ball. I stopped what I was doing. I looked at him from head to toe. It was him. My fist tighten.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" I said mad. He came closer to me. There was only a few people here. He better not try to start something here.

He sat down on one of the chairs. "Who doesn't know your name? The famous street fighter. Everybody talks about you like you are something to die for. I only came here to tell you to stay away from ,Amily." I had to fight the urge to hit him. He can't tell me to stay away from her.

"Why? Tell me who you are?" I asked again mad.

"You have hurt her enough. Don't you think?" She doesn't deserve a guy who is going to lie to her. I am sure she doesn't even know you fight." He started to get up. Oh no, he is not leaving without telling me his name. He can't talk to me like that. I didn't do all those things to hurt her.

I pinned him to the wall. People started panicking. "Who are you!?" I ask furious. He just smiled, "Amily's best friend,Kyle."

This was Kyle all this time. I let him go before someone kicked us out. That means that at the ball he was there with her. I backed away from him and grabbed my stuff and left.

Oh so now they were best friends. The guy after Amily was never really after her. How pathetic. He deserves a round of applause and so does Amily. How does she know she won't try to still do something to her.

It made me furious. I got my stuff and rode off. I didn't even know where I was going. It needed to be somewhere far from here.

* *



Amily's POV

Running in heels was not the safest thing to do. I was leaning against a wall crying, in the middle of downtown. I had come running from Katie's house. She had a party, I don't know why I agreed to go if I knew what was going to happen. I really didn't expect it too.

+Later that night+

"Hey,what's a girl like you doing all by herself." A random guy came up to me. I wasn't drunk, I had only drank one bottle. Which was not enough for me to throw myself at him. I won't anyways he looked to be in his 20.

"Get lost." I said and started walking towards the door. This only made him angrier. He came up from behind me and pushed me against the wall. I screamed in horror but no one came. Why would they?

I pushed and kicked but he wouldn't let me go. I started panicking. He was going to rape me. I let out tears but he didn't care. I just wanted to go! He began to lift my dress. I panicked even more. This was not going to happen! It was going to be my first time ,but not with the person I loved.

I pushed and kicked even more, but it only made him laugh. I finally got a hit, right in his private parts. He fell backwards. He was groaning in pain. I didn't hesitate and hit him again. He was going to rape me.

I ran inside to find Kyle or somebody, but they were all drunk. I didn't know what to do, so I just ran. I was crying more and I couldn't get the sound of his laugh. It kept echoing in my head. My make up must be smeared all ready. I wanted to rip these close off.

+Back to the present+

I heard a motorcycle coming really fast, from far away. Cars kept passing and going. I couldn't feel my feet. I wanted to go home and just take a million showers. I still felt like he was going to come and get me.

This made me cry more. I had to get home. I got up from the dirty floor, leaning on the wall.

The motorcycle had made a stop at the light. It was a guy in a leather jacket. He began beating the motorcycle and cussing it out. I was to concentrated on the guy that I didn't notice I was falling. I landed on my ankle and screamed in pain.

He snapped his head towards me. He said something ,but I couldn't make out what he said. He stopped the motorcycle and got off of it. He hadn't taken his helmet off and I was scared.

He reached out to grab my hand, as soon as I felt his hand on my shoulder I flinched away. I didn't want to be touched not after what almost happened. He saw that I was backing away from him.

He began to take his helmet off.


Thanks for reading!! Yall are just awesome!

I am almost done with this story and than I won't be writing another one till next summer:( I have some in mind, but I am about to start school again.

Stay Beautiful! and fangirl on because Catching Fire is only 3 months away:)


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