7. He is capable of anything

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Hey, sorry for the cliffhanger. I love Read Between the Lions when i was a little kid can't you tell although some of the stuff scared me. hahahaha. Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it so much! I put in Aiden's POV. Yeah!!


"Why don't you leave me alone?" He looked back to see if there where anybody close but his buddy's. The halls we basically empty. Can Lizz take any longer in there. I really hope she did not go take a dump. I felt a drop of sweat coming down my face.

He looked back at me "I can't and I will never. Not until I get what I want." Kyle was the type of guy that if he set his mind to do something he did it which scared me. He was capable of anything.

The bathroom door opened and Lizz came out "Amily?" Kyle took his hands of the wall and called his buddy's and they left. I started breathing hard. I wanted to crawl into a ball and forget what just happened. I slide down the wall and put my knees on my head. Lizz just stood there it was best if she didn't even try to talk to me.

I got up " Let's go." Lizz just followed and kept quite. I was not ready to tell her what happened back there.

"Amily? I am sorry I was not there. I would have beat the crap out of them. Amily! Talk to me!" She screamed at me.

"You don't know what Kyle is capable of! Okay! It is best of you don't do anything or anyone else." I continued to drive. Lizz occasionally looked at me. I could see from the corner of my eye. I didn't want to tell her about Kyle. I just wish he would disappear and that this never happened.

I got out of the highway "Would you like anything to eat? I am sure you are hungry."

"Yeah. Sure." I pulled up to McDonalds. I ordered my stuff and Lizz's too. We parked and ate in silence. I was getting annoyed by her not talking when I know she wants too.

I stopped eating and finally talked "You know Lizz. You are a great friend but I don't think it is a good idea to be. Kyle may try to go after you and I can't let that happened. I was stupid to even come to the concert."

"You didn't know he was going to be there. I will be fine. I am not scared of him." I know she didn't mean that. Who would not care if a person like Kyle was after you. I didn't try to make it worst so I just left it at that.

I pulled up to her house and some lights were on. I quickly said bye to Lizz and left. I was not glad to got home. I know my parents would be asleep. I took my time driving home. I stopped at the gas station.

I pulled up to my house. I parked my car and went the back way to my room. I climbed up the wall. My hands were giving up on me. I finally got to the balcony.

I couldn't control myself as soon as I got in my room. I fell to the floor and cried till there was no more tears left. I felt horrible, lifeless,stupid, and weak. I couldn't even get up. I really thought Kyle was never going to come back into my life. I looked at my bedside table thinking if I should open it and get the blades out. I have before but I quit. I don't want to have scars like the ones I have already.

I just laid looking up at the ceiling. Why hasn't he came for me already? It would be better than him hurting anyone else. I began to close my eyes and fall asleep on the floor. The bed looked much comfortable but I couldn't even move. I heard a sound coming from behind me but I couldn't think straight so I didn't bother looking. It could be Kyle coming for me. I guess he was going to come. Whoever was there started yelling my name and run towards me. I didn't even flinch. I just laid there ready for Kyle to take me. I opened my eyes a bit but couldn't tell who it was. I had cried too much it hurt to open my eyes.

"Amily? Are you okay? Answer me! Please!" Kyle screamed at me but why would he care. If I was okay or not. It was the lack of sleep or that I was to horrified that Kyle was here. I blacked out in Kyle's hands.

«»«»«»«»«»Aiden's POV«»«»«»«»«»«

"Aiden!" Lizz came in my room frighten like she had just seen a ghost. I looked at her with curiosity. It was something about her new boyfriend.

"What you want now." I said annoyed at her. I love her to death but her talking about her boyfriend gets a bit weird since I am a guy.

"This is not about me. You know Amily the girl I work with?" She asked me. Was I supposed to tell her the truth about her or look at her like I am clueless. What does Amily have to do with our conversations. She barely talks about her.

"Yeah. I know her. What about her?" I asked. I hope nothing happened to her.

"Well..." She began. I knew this was going to be long so I didn't stop her for a bit.

I could not believe that bastard,Kyle, had done that to Amily. I grabbed my shoes and started to leave.

"Where you going? Aiden you are scaring me." Lizz screamed at me. Good thing my parents were not home tonight.

"With Amily. She-." I told her. She grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"You don't even know her."

"Yeah I do. More than you do. I will be back don't worry." I said.

"Aid-" I didn't let her finish and left.

I half ran and walked to her house. I don't get why rich people are in the middle of nowhere. I hide behind the bushes and went around back. Her light was off but you could see a little dim light maybe from her lamp. I couldn't see much or else I would fall backwards.

I went up the side of the house. She was laying on the floor. Her stomach was moving. She was alive. I couldn't stand seeing her like that so I went in. I screamed her name but she didn't even move. I walked up to her and she just looked up at me and closed her eyes again. She looked like she had been crying for sometime now. She seemed unreal and dead. I didn't want to touch her thinking she was really dead.

I picked her up. She looked fragile. That freaking bastard is going to get a piece of me when I meet him. Amily doesn't need someone like him in her life. I couldn't even imagine Amily ever having to deal with stuff like this.

I laid her on her bed. I didn't want to leave her here alone. I took off her shoes and I didn't want to do anymore. I put her under the covers. I got in with her and hugged her. I wanted to protect her from everything. I felt like if I stopped holding her she would disappear.

I looked down at her. Her eyes were a bit swollen. Just thinking of someone making her cry made me want to punch whoever was responsible. She is incredibly beautiful and I can't believe I never noticed her until I ran into her bookstore. She Is different from any other girl. She is herself well around me at least. She doesn't need make up and all those fancy dresses.

I planted a kiss on her forehead. I really hope she feels the same way about me. I looked at her one last time and fell asleep.

It feels like this was short but i will try to update tomorrow. Thanks for reading!!


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