49. Wedding Rebels

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This is one of the lost chapters. The story ended already this is just the wedding of Amily and Aiden and how it went.


"No! You're doing her hair wrong! It's in a side braid not a bun!" Lizz yelled at the lady doing the bridesmaids hair and makeup. I only had 3 bridesmaids due to the lack of friends. Two of them were really close cousins of mine. I felt sorry for them meeting Lizz like this.

The ceremony would start in two hours. I told everyone who was going to be part of the ceremony to come really early. So they have been here since 7 a.m. and the ceremony doesn't start till 1 p.m.

I had not even ate breakfast and Aiden didn't either. I made Lizz take him some food and the other guys.

Lizz didn't want me in put on my wedding dress on yet because I would get it dirty and what not. She wouldn't even let me near the girls, so I was just sitting on one if the couches in the dressing room of this place. I only had a simple white robe and it was not the most comfortable thing ever.

The place where the ceremony was going to be held was gorgeous from the inside and out. The walls cream color, making it look antique but beautiful. Paints of women in puffy dresses dancing gave it a nice look. Everything about this place screamed beautiful. The view overlooking the beach.

The venue is being held here so this place had it all! Aiden picked the place and I loved it the moment we pulled up to see it. The money was not really a problem. My dad offered to pay everything and I am glad he is going to be here to walk me down the aisle.

"Pssht!" I looked around to see where the noise had come from but no one was looking at me. Lizz was too busy preparing the girls.

"Amily!" Someone whispered at me. I noticed the white pearl curtains moving. I look to see that no one was watching me and looked behind the curtains.

"Come in here." I went behind the curtains and a hidden door was there. A hand came out if the door and pulled me in. I felt as if I was Alice in the Wonderland looking where she wasn't suppose to.

I hit something hard. I came to realize that my eyes were closed and that it was a person I had hit.

"Amily, open your eyes, love." I opened my eyes. We were in a secret hallway. There was not a lot of light here.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He wasn't supposed to see till the ceremony.

"I had to do this before I went crazy." I looked at him dumbfounded. It didn't hit me till his lips were on mine that I had not kissed him this morning.

"You're. Wearing. Only. A. Robe." He said between kisses. His hands seemed to not keep themselves away from lifting the robe up. I would grab his hand in order to stop him.

This went on for a while till we ran out of breath.

"I can't wait till, I can make you mine." I blushed and turned my face away from him.

"You weren't supposed to see me till the ceremony." He came down to my level and I thought he was going to kiss me but he placed his lips beside my ear.

"I don't go by the rules." I bit my lip from laughing out loud.

"I've got to go back before they start looking for me." I said pushing him away. He pretended to get hurt and placed his hand on his heart.

"Wait! I need one more kiss in order to make it through these few minutes." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his collar and kissed him. It was more than one kiss.

My back was pressed against the wall as Aiden kissed me.

"Has anybody seen Amily?!" I could hear Lizz yell at everyone. I pushed Aiden off of me. He groaned.

"We'll have more time for that later." I winked at him and his eyes twinkled.

I carefully got in the dressing room again without being seen. I straightened my robe and sat down on the couch.

"There you are! Let's get you in your dress!" Lizz pulled me up by my arms and guided me to my wedding dress.

"What happened to your hair?" My eyes went wide as she said those words. I looked myself in the mirror. Some parts of my hair were sticking out in random places.


Only one more part and this story is finished;_; I am gonna cry!

Thanks for being there for me when I took forever to update. Thanks for reading this so not good spelling and grammerly correct story:) I love you!!!

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