46. Lucy

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Sorry for the wait:/ I was supposed to post this yesterday,but my phone was being stupid. The only times I can update is when I have WiFi from my grandmas house.....lol



Amily's POV

My clothes were stinking to me, thanks to the sweat. It wasn't even hot outside nor inside. I looked at the digital clock on the bedside table marking 2:36 a.m. I looked to my side seeing Aiden sleeping soundly. I couldn't wake him up because of a nightmare I just had. I just wanted to forget it. This wasn't the first time I had it.

I couldn't get the images of me holding a baby in my hands than all of the sudden the baby is being taken away from me and I start screaming and calling for Aiden as there's blood on me everywhere, but it's not my blood.

I get up and walk to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

"It was just a dream." I told myself. I rested my hands on the table trying to breathe.

Small steps could be heard coming in the kitchen. I looked to the floor and saw Snowy walks towards me. He stopped at my feet rubbing his head against my legs.

"Come on, Snowy, let's go to sleep." I picked him up petting him.

Or at least try to.


"Amily?" A voice said in my ear.

"Go away." I turned the other way, away from whoever was trying to wake me up.

"Amily, Snowy peed on the bed." I knew that was a lie because Snowy was trained to not pee on anything, but outside.

"Sure." I said into my pillow. I could stay like this, but I need oxygen to live.

"Amily, I'll pull you out of the bed by your feet." She wouldn't!

"You wouldn't, Lizz." I went back to sleep only to be pulled by my feet. Snowy began barking at Lizz.

"Okay! Okay! I am up." Lizz stopped pulling leaving leg hanging on the side of the bed.

"Goodness that was tiring. I should go to the gym often." She began flexing. I looked away and made my way to the bathroom. My reflection in the mirror was not appealing at all. My hair that used to be in a ponytail was not coming out in different directions.


"I'll be in the car." Lizz said before heading out the front door. She didn't even tell me where we were going.

"Snowy! Food." Snowy came running into the kitchen. I hurried  before Lizz broke her car horn.

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked, putting on my seatbelt.

"To the mall." I nodded. I do need to get new cloth and stuff for Aiden and now Snowy. After having Snowy for 2 weeks, already his been good so I think he deserves something at least.

Lizz kept on driving while I checked my messages.

From: Aiden

I had to leave early, sorry love. Have a good day with Lizz, but not too much. I love you.

"Why are you smiling at the phone like that?" I soon stopped not noticing that I was smiling.

"Aiden." I said and she rolled her eyes. I am pretty sure she smiles at her phone too when Tyler texts her.

The car came to a complete stop and she turns the ignition off. I took off my seatbelt quickly. Those things are horrible. I stepped out of the car looking up at the mall.


"Lizz, I think that is enough shopping, for the day." I looked at her as she struggled to carry the bags.

"We have only been here 3 hours. We are barely starting." She set down the bags trying to catch her breathe. I only was holding two bags in each hand while she had 4 in each hand.

"Let's just get to the car to put these up and come back." She said out of breath. I walked beside her to the car. The car was not far from where we were.

She popped the trunk open and placed all of our bags in it. It left barely any space for more bags. I was afraid that I would  have to carry bags in my lap the way back.

"So how's The Bookstore? You still work there right?" Lizz asked as we entered the mall again.

"Good and yes I do. I don't think I'll ever quit working there." I wasn't planning on it. Yeah, the pass few months been hard and I've stopped going for a few days, but I practically own the place now. That's the place Aiden and I met twice.

"Good for you, I got a job as being a veterinary assistant. The animals are so cu-"

"Amily?" Lizz was interrupted by someone I didn't want to talk to right now.

"Mother." I said, threw my teeth. Lizz could tell that I didn't want to talk to her. She stood in front of me with one of my cousins at her side. Lucy wore something short like usual.

"Oh, hey Amily! I haven't seen you in ages. Your mom and I were just doing our weekly shopping." Oh so this was not the only time. She replaced me with someone like herself. Both of them were full of themselves and conceited.

"Nice to see you Lucy and mom." I said nicely as I could of right now.

"How are you and Andrew?"

"His name is Aiden." Lizz said, annoyed at Lucy.

"Yeah sure him." She waited for my response.

"Good. Why would you care? The only thing you care about is yourself." Her smile dropped and her hand tightened into a fist.

"Well after he got the news you couldn't get pregnant, I am sure he finally sees you are worthless." A tear threatened to come out, but I was done being the victim. How did she even know?

"Hey! Listen blondie. You don't say stuff like that to Amily! I know she won't hit you, but I sure will. She's not worthless. At least she doesn't have to wear short dresses to get a guy's attention." Lucy stepped away from Lizz. My mom stood there with her mouth open. I grabbed Lizz by the shoulder and pulled her back before she caused a bigger scene. People were starting to stop to hear what the yelling was about.

"Mom just take Lucy and go." She grabbed Lucy by the hand and they went the opposite direction away from us.

"God! Why do we always get the defected blondes?!" Lizz exclaimed. I laughed a bit still shock to know that Lucy knew.

"Don't listen to her, okay? Aiden would never think of you like that." She hugged me. Right now I could use an Aiden hug.

My phone started vibrating and I smiled at the screen. Aiden was calling.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Lizz asked, looking at me confused.

"Hello, Aiden." I held the phone to my ear.

"Hello, Beautiful." I smiled. I soon forgot about everything that just happened.



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