15. Let's Dance

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I had a hour to get changed. How am I going to get ready in one hour. I know I am not girly but doesn't mean I am not going to spend time on stuff.

I heard a hook outside and quickly got my purse and stuck my phone and keys. I came running down the stairs. I was lucky not to fall down with these heels. I was wearing a long aqua blue dress that had a jeweled belt around it. I straighten my hair and did it into a waterfall braid.

"Woah! You look beautiful." I looked up. I stopped mid way. I began walking down the stairs instead of running.

"Thanks." I blushed a bit. "You look handsome as well." I kind of ran out of words to say.

He opened the door. "Shall we leave?" He said. I just nodded in respond and locked the door behind me. We took his car. Kyle was nice to open the door for me.

The drive didn't take long so it was not awkward. We pulled up to a huge more like giant house. It looked really pretty from the outside. There where roses everywhere.

Kyle opened the door for me and took my hand and guided me inside. We where a bit late so we got a few stares. The ball was dressy so I was glad I didn't put on something else. There was decorations all over the walls. Flowers here and there.

"So what is this ball for?" I said looking around. There seem to only be teenagers and one like a bit of adults I guess for chaperone's.

He waved hi to some people across the room."My mom wanted to do this thing were all the teenagers hangout well mainly so we could meet other people like us."

"Like us?" I looked at him confused.

"Yeah,rich." He said it like it was something to treasure.

"Here let's go over there." He pointed at a group of people across the room. "I want you to meet some of my friends." He said taking my hand and pulling me with him.

I got some stares form people. I felt so uncomfortable here but isn't this where I am supposed to be with all the rich people kids. Kyle saw I was a bit uncomfortable he held me closer to him. I think he made it worst because now some girls were giving me the death glares.

It kind of made me laugh that they actually thought Kyle and me were together. Kyle does have the looks. He has brown eyes and really soft Brown hair. Also has money ever since his mom remarried. Which is why some girl's want him but why can't they like him for his personality.

We finally reached his friends. He let go of me." Hey, Guys what's up?" He told them giving them a pat in the back. "I want y'all to meet,Amily." They all said hi to me. There were some girls looking at me but they were just smiling at me.

Kyle clapped his hands."I am going to get something to drink. Please don't creep her out." Kyle disappeared into the crowd. He left me here with some people that I had no clue what there names were.

"Are you and Kyle going out?" A girl with blonde hair finally spoke after Kyle left. I think everyone was wanting to ask because they all looked at me with curiosity.

"No, me and Kyle are friends since we were little." I told her. She just looked away at her other friend.

"Oh well. I am Katie. Nice to meet you." She said offering her hand. I shuck it. Katie was really pretty. Her eyes were blue like the ocean. Her blonde hair really made them stand out.

"Nice to meet you too." I said nicely.

"I am Nadia. Aren't you a Ricker?" The girl next to Katie spoke next. Nadia was like Katie but her hair was darker.

"Yeah. My dad owns like all those umm...places." I am not really into my dad's company stuff things. I didn't really know what he did but just that he own a lot of places.

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