21. Tell Me

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His helmet came off. My eyes widened, it was Aiden. I saw hurt in his eyes and anger. I was glad it was not someone else. I was so happy I hugged him, I began crying on his shoulder. Even though I was mad at him, I couldn't be any happier.

"It's okay, Amily. I am here now." He said softly against my hair. I couldn't stop crying. I think I ruined his jacket. He kept drawing circles on my back and whispering me to calm down.

I finally pulled away, from his warm chest.

"Sorry I got your jacket ruined." I said sniffing.

"It's okay, as long as you buy me a new one," he said joking around

",here let's get you up. It is not safe to be here at night." He offered me his hand and I took it.

I had taken of my shoes and was left barefoot. I started walk towards his motorcycle. I felt someone lift me up. I was being carried, Aiden put me down on the back of the motorcycle. He began taking his jacket off and putting it on me. His shirt was white and you could see his toned body.

The warmth of the jacket stopped me from shivering anymore. I didn't feel exposed as before. He put his helmet on me.

"Wait don't you need a helmet?" I asked.

"Not as much as you do. I am okay." He hopped on the bike and turned it on. I put my arms around his waist.

"Is this your first time?" He asked me. I couldn't see his face.

"Y-yeah." I said stuttering.

"Don't worry. It is really fun." He said moving forward. It felt like we were going the speed of light. The wind was hitting my face and it felt wonderful. He was right it was fun.

We pulled up to my house and he started to slow down. Once we reached the house he parked. The moon was shining brightly, giving a little bit of light

I began getting off. The rocks made my feet hurt. I winced at every step.

"Piggyback Ride?" Aiden stood in front of me. I jumped on him, flinging my arms around his neck.

He carried me up the steps. I wanted to get off and walk by myself, but he won't let me. Stubborn. He dropped me on the bed.

"Thanks a lot." I said. He turned around and smiled.

"You still haven't told me why you where there though." He said.

"Can I please, first take a shower?" I said. I didn't want to tell him.

"I have all night. Go ahead." He said.

My hands were shaking, just thinking about what happened earlier. I was only lucky,but what about other girls that weren't. Now they had to live there lives faking smiles.

I got out of the shower. I didn't want to go there and talk about what happened earlier. I just wanted to lay in bed and sleep.

I came out and came face to face with Aiden. I just stared at him, not moving at all. Maybe if I stay like this, I won't have to say anything. He got up from the bed, making his way towards me.

He stretched out his hands towards me, putting them on my waist. "I was at Katie's party, I don't know why I even agreed to go. Kyle was going and everyone else, so I thought it was going to be fun. I had been to party's before, but I started feeling sick. I went outside for fresh air, and a guy came up to me. I told him to get lost, but he pushed me against a wall. I kicked him and got away, than you found me."

By that point I began crying again. I put my head on his chest.

He didn't say anything. He just hugged me. I knew he wanted to say stuff, but he didn't.

I pulled away from him, wiping of my tears.

"I will find him!"

"No,please don't."

"He hurt you!"

"He didn't. I got away."

He started to calm down.

"What were you doing out?" I asked sitting down on my bed. I changed the conversation.

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