31. Don't

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Heyyyyyyyyyy.....okay that's a lot of y's.Oh well:p I finished writing this at like 3 A.M. and then spent like 10 minutes checking for errors...I may have missed some since it was 3am. I worked on this at like 2am. Hehehe I was reading Fan Fics till 1....oops!


"Oww!" I cry in pain as he steps on my feet again.

"I am sorry." I just smile and continue to dance along to the slow song. It's Edwin McCain maybe? It goes on for a few more seconds and it finally stops. The guy whose name is Drew, shyly says goodbye. He stepped on my feet about 10 times, and then I lost count. He didn't even look about 16.

"Care for a dance?" Oliver extended his hand for me to grab. I looked at the table I was sitting on. I could just deny, and go rest my feet. Knowing Oliver, I doubt he will not stop asking. May as well get this over with, I take his hand and head back to the dance floor.

We moved in sync. He was a good dancer unlike others. His kept trialling his hand down my back, I would have to raise it occasionally. He just smirked, and went back to dancing. Oliver would sometimes have to flick his hair of his eyes. The same way Aiden would. Oliver had that really black hair and those hazel eyes, but no were compared to Aiden's. Oliver was cute, but Aiden was hot and cuddly. Hot and cuddly don't even go together.

"You're smiling for no reason. I hope I am the reason." Oliver is conceited. Aiden can be sometimes, but Oliver just goes far and beyond. I just shook my head.The song began to slow down.

"You know you're really beautiful." He said a he twirled me around, and caught me with his left hand. He looked into eyes. It took everything to not look into his eyes.

"Thanks." He sat me down on the floor again. I fixed my dress. I went on to the table, and sitting. I would finally rest my feet. I would really like to go home. I looked around for my mom or dad. They seemed to having their own conversation with other adults.

"Miss your drink." I didn't order a drink. A drink was placed in front of me. I looked up and saw Aiden in a bow tie and suit.

"You're going to be seen!" I panicked and looked around finding my parents still engrossed in the conversation.

"Hey to you too." He sat down facing me. I couldn't help the smile on my face.

"Want to ditch?" I eyed him. A smirked spread across his fave. He got up and extended his hand.

"I thought you'd never ask." He kissed my hand and helped me up.

"Hey! What you think you're doing?" Oliver voice came from behind me. Aiden looked past me at Oliver. His expression changed from cocky to anger, in less than a second. Aiden looked at me with hurt in his eyes. I mouthed him to calm down and wait for me outside.

"Hey. Oliver." I turned around to face him. He was still looking at Aiden leave.

"Who was that? Why did he kiss your hand?" He began to throw questions at me.

"Nobody. I am going to the restroom." I quickly turned around and left him there. I made my way to the door to leave. I spotted Aiden standing, facing the motorcycle. I just couldn't wait to be home and taking off these hills. Every step going down the stairs hurt.

"A-" I was pushed against the wall. Before I could even know what was going on, lips were placed on mine. I pushed and hit him. He finally pulled away with a smirk on his face. I wiped my lips and smacked Oliver across the face. The roar of an engine began and left to quickly.

I looked to find Aiden gone along with his motorcycle. He saw and thought the wrong thing.

"I hate you! Oliver get out of my face! Just go!" I screamed at him, hitting his chest over and over. He pusher me and left. I slid down the wall and just sat there, crying.


Thanks for Reading!! Don't forget to read my other fics:) please. I'll give virtual cookies^-^

(Also!! If you want me to read your Fan Fic...I will:) I enjoy reading them*-* Leave a nice comment about this story and telling me to read your Fanfic and I will)


Hasta Luego:)~C.

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