22. Rose

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I am like...Woah!!! I can't believe I have 2,168 reads or so. I was literally jumping up and down and trying not to scream so I wouldn't wake me mom and dad up. FANGIRLING!!!



I have school now so that means less updates. This story is almost over so yeah. Ima cry now:c

Amily and Aiden = Amden how does that sound:)

Enough of my talking/writing and read!!

Stay beautiful and Fangirl on!~~C.


He didn't answer my question, but i didn't put much attention to it. If he didn't want to tell me, It's fine right. It must not be important. I don't care, or should I. Of course I care, there is something he is not Telling me. Again with the ranting in my head.

"So, are you ready for school. It's our last year." I said breaking the awkward silence. School was starting in only 2 days. I had already got my stuff.

"I am ready to end it, but not to excited to be in school." He laid down on my bed.

"I don't think anybody is." I laid beside him.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked. I bit my lip.

"I was never really mad, just hurt. We can be friends." I looked up at him.

"Well I am sorry that I hurt you. I guess I am good with being friends." He looked disappointed, but than smiled. I have made up my mind, I do like him a lot. I guess being friends, is better than going back to being strangers.

I yawned, sleepiness taking over me. I got up one last time and turned off the lights.

I got in bed, not caring of Aiden was going to stay or not. I was tried.

My eyes began get heavy.

"I like you too, Amily."

I was not sure if that was what I heard. He may have said something else. I could barely hear. I went to sleep, instantly after that.


"Amily! We are home!" I woke up to the yelling of my parents.

"I think she is still asleep, I am going to wake her up." Footsteps began coming up the stairs.

I looked beside me, Aiden still asleep. "Aiden wake up! My parents are back!" I said into his ear.

"What!?" He got out of bed quickly. His hair in a mess.

I followed behind. He opened the balcony doors. I was glad he was fully clothed.

"I almost forgot." He turned around. I made a confused look.

"What did you-" He cut me off, cupping my face. He kissed me, pulling away fast. That was really uncalled for.

"See you in school." He winked and went down the side of the house. I just laughed.

"You were awake! I called for you and you didn't respond!" My mom came yelling in my room. I rolled my eyes. This is how my torture starts all over again.

I turned around,"Sorry, mother. I just woke up, I was getting fresh air." I said. I went back in. She was still standing there.

"I heard you hanged out with Kyle and his friends. That boy is really fine. You could use a husband like him." Not even 5 minutes here and she is already nagging me about getting a boyfriend.

"I don't want to marry him."

"Your going to have to get married, soon. We are not going to be there for you all the time." It made me laugh.

"Your have never been there for me, not even once. I don't want to marry someone rich. Haven't you learned from your mistakes. You got Rose killed."

"How dare you." She slapped me. I held my hand on my cheek. She needed to hear me out.

"It's true. She didn't want to marry Ryan, but you made her. She wanted to make you happy, but that's what killed her. I am not going to get married to someone that I don't love."

"Rose, killed herself. She committed suicide." Tears slipping down her cheeks. We never talk about Rose. My mom knew it was her fault Rose died so she made us not talk about her.

"Because you made her marry someone she didn't love. Ryan was doing horrible stuff to her. She would come through my window crying at night. Telling me horrible stuff Ryan did to her. She tried to divorce him, but you didn't let her because you didn't believe her." I.was on the floor crying.

She got up and walked out my room. I know she wants the best for me, but she only wants me to do what she thinks is best for me. I want to be able to live my life, not my moms. We used to not be like this. We were family, no one fought we all got along. That's until Rose died.

Rose, she never liked fighting, always got along with people. She was so pretty everybody said so. She was always there for me even though we were five years apart. I was 15 when she died. Rose never liked Ryan, but my mom didn't want to hear it. Ryan's parents had a lot of money, that's the only thing my mom looked at. She didn't care about how he was.

Rose knew how he was, but she taught she could change him. He was a drug addict, alcoholic. She would sometimes climb up my balcony and sleep with me. That's why I never closed the door, I guess it became a habit to leave it opened. She would always tell me to follow my heart, but take my brain with me. I would always find it funny.

One of those nights she didn't come. I waited for her. I had brought food for her, but she never came. The next day we found out she was dead. That's when everything went downhill.

I became what I am now. The girl in the shadows, nobody likes. I would spend my days in my room. My parents became workaholics. My grandma gave my mom the bookstore I now work at. The bookstore became a place to forget about stuff.

There's a box full of pictures of her and us. Some of our stuff. I have not opened it since it brings back memories. I guess I am scared to now, but I am sure I will open it soon.


Thanks for reading!!

I am like obsessed with Of monsters and men and Imagine Dragons and paramore and such bands!! I can't stop listening to them!!



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