33. Can this be a dream?

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I updated....Yay! This is special because I am updated at 2:30 am. I usually have longer parts, but kind of have writersblock-_-

Just have a happy reading:):):)



I had that part stuck in my head while writing this.....I love ya if you know the band:)

Okay, happy reading:)


Amily's POV

I looked everywhere, well the places that I thought he could be. It looked as if he had disappeared. He didn't answer his phone. I was frustrated, and angry at him and Oliver.

I hit the steering wheel and parked beside The Bookstore. I didn't know what to do? He couldn't of just went home. He didn't even let me explain.

I walked in, greeting Lily who was at the register. Lizz doesn't work here anymore, neither does Tyler.

"I thought you weren't coming in today?" Her voice sounding sweet and nice. I looked up to her and smiled. Lily was in her 60s or so. I didn't want to ask her age, and sound disrespectful.

"I just needed a place to forget about stuff." I grabbed a random book and started walking towards the stairs.

"Amily! I need help down here, if you don't mind." I was caught off guard. She barely asks for me to help, unless I volunteer. I nodded and got a few books to place in the shelves. The radio was playing lowly. I was humming along to passenger.

A sound came from upstairs. I looked up at Lily, suspiciously. She looked at me, like she was nervous about something.

"His here!" I went running upstairs. Aiden was on the couch, with a beer in his hand. I walked up to him and took it away from him. He didn't even move, staring at the wall. I backed up.

"Aiden?" He stayed silent. He didn't even move a inch. His face showing no expression at all. I was scared to go near him. The effect alcohol has on people. How it can cause them to do something they don't want to. He had already drank four. He was drunk, and I didn't know what to do.

His knuckles were a bit scratched, dried blood on his hands. Did he punch someone? Oliver?


"Aiden?" I said again comeing a bit closer. The sweat building up on my palms, made me know that I was petrified. Like from usual, this is not normal. What did he tell Lily? I shouldn't even care about that right now. Right now I need to help Aiden, right, but how?

I quickly took the bottle of his hand, he didn't even flinch. Now, I was glad that he was not the drunk type to get mad easily.

Can this me a dream?

He eyes started to close and he just laid down and fell asleep on the couch. I left Advil beside him and water for whenever he wakes up, which will not be anytime soon. I pressed my lips to his forehead and went back downstairs.

It was closing time now, Lily made sure of it by rushing out the door. She didn't even say bye. Great now it is going to be awkward talking to her. I just locked the front door and turned off the lights. I rushed upstairs hoping that maybe he would be awake and we could talk, but that was not the only reason to run upstairs at night.


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Well yeah hope you liked it and until next time*-*


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