23. Avoiding

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Ello, ¿Que tal? hahaha sorry for the long update, but it's my teachers fault because not one day have I had no homework. -_-

I only get time to like update on the weekends:( better than nothing:)

Enjoy and Stay Beautiful and fangirl on~~C.

*******!?#?!&$*!?@?4**#&@?@92?$(no bad words intended this was completely random:P)

What I hate more than anything is school! Waking up early, when I could be sleeping. Picking out a outfit, when I could be in your pajamas all day. Carrying a backpack, when the only thing i need is my phone.

First day of school! The day people are lost as last year's Easter egg. Freshmen worried like they have lost there mom at the grocery store. Sophomores already getting the hang of stuff. Juniors are like, only one more year. Seniors thinking there the bosses of the school, acting all macho man.

I am a senior, though I am not what I just seniors are. I am more of trying to just be the shadow.Only one more year of getting glances, the ones that make you want to dig a hole.

I opened the door to the school, head down. I took my normal route to my locker. I am glad they don't change the locker arrangement. I opened it, putting some of my stuff up.

The bell rang, signalling school was about to start. I will be hearing that thing only for one more school year.

The intercom came on, "Everyone please report to the gym! Immediately!"

I closed my locker door and dragged myself to gym. I turned around heading the opposite direction. I already knew what he was going to say. The principal being the slowest talker ever. The speeches he gives at the games, make you want to just cheer for the other team.

People kept passing me. Some hitting my shoulders and apologizing how they didn't know I was there. I am not short nor am I invisible.

Someone hit me harder than any of them. I turned around and looked at them. They where no other than Aiden's friends looking at me like they where about to claw my insides and feed them to a dog.

I was holding my shoulder. I tried not to show it hurt. They just laughed and left.

After the stupid name calling to see who your homeroom teacher was, who you probably won't see more than 5 times this year. We where finally in a room, talking about how this year was going to be.

Rules after rules and than more rules. It was finally time for lunch. I sat at my normal spot, outside.

I finished quickly to go to the library. The biggest room in the school, filled with books about anything. I just couldn't wait to grab one and read it.

"Aiden, come on man." I stopped in my tracks. The voices coming from around the corner. They kept on talking about a party. I been avoiding him today. I saw him occasionally here and there, but I tried just pretend he didn't smile at me. He was with his friends all the time though.

"Is this about that nerd, Amily?" I heard my name and being listening again.

"No and stop calling her that."

"What's up with you defending her?"

"I am leaving." I heard him get up and leave.

All through the day, I couldn't stop thinking about him and when we where going to leave this place called, school.

The time had come. I about felt like kissing the ground as I walked out, but that would be weird. I began walking down the stairs, about to began my long walk to my house. I didn't feel like bring my car.

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