19. Puppies

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I am sorry for not posting really sorry. I been busy with school starting soon and all. I been having Writersblock!!




Amily's POV

After work I came home filling like a zombie. Lizz had taken a day off. I wouldn't blame her she has worked more than me since I would call in sick or make up a excuse. Now I had to do something about the house. It was not clean well not all of it.

I really regret throwing all those airplanes out the balcony. There everywhere and I threw a bunch so this may take a while to clean. The maids could but I don't want them to read want I wrote. The ones in the pool well there having a nice swim. No need to get them out.

Molly was nowhere to be found ever since yesterday. She disappeared or she runaway from my craziness. I forgot about it and began picking up the paper airplanes. I didn't bother reading what I put.

I had finally finished cleaning. It was barely dirty but being the clean freak I am it looked dirty. I sat down on the couch resting for a bit.

Maybe I should be looking for Molly. It is her lunch time after all. She has to come she won't resist it.

"MOLLY!! FOOD!!" I waited but I didn't hear her come. Now I am getting worried. She could be dead or got dog napped or she ran away. I looked in ever room and let me tell you there is like 20 room in this house.

I gave up and just went to my room. I laid on the bed filling exhausted. She will show up eventually. She better. I am getting lonely. I turned to the side and there she was.

"You have got to be fudging me! Molly I was looking everywhere for you and you here with....PUPPIES!!" I looked closely to see she had puppies. They where adorable. She was up here all this time with the puppies. I went running to get Molly some food and water. I am sure she was tired from get all those 5 puppies out. That's enough said don't want to go into detail.

I let Molly eat while I carried the puppies. They where Brown and White. Oh! She was with the neighbors dog. I hate that lady.

"Why? Molly with that dog. That lady hates me and so does her dog. If she finds out she will be mad!!" I told Molly like she would care. I put the puppies on Molly's belly and let them eat while I called my mom on what to do with the puppies.

*Phone Call*



"Oh it is you." She said like she didn't want to talk to me.

"Yes it is me. Your daughter!"

"What you want?!"

"Molly had puppies." I said quietly.

"Just go sell them or something!" She screamed at me.

"There to little. You can't just sell them."

"Look. That dog is not mine. Do whatever you want. Stop bothering me with your problems."

"Where are you? You have been gone longer than you said."

"We are just in London! We will be here a bit longer."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"I don't care what you do! Just stop calling me because I am not going answer only to hear you tell me about Molly. " With that said she just hung up. She was obviously at a party. The music in the background was really loud.

I threw the phone on my bed and crawled into a ball and began to drift into a deep sleep.


I now this was not long, but once I get more reads on this part I will post the next. Sound good?? Hope so.

Have a good day and May the odds be ever in your favor! Stay Beautiful and Fangirl on because Catching Fire is only 4 months away!!~~C.

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