35. Noodles

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Okay so yeah here's the new chapter, part whatever you want to call it.

While you're reading this can you play

Love don't Die by The Fray

Also Dark Horse by Katy Perry too

I've had those songs on replay.

Enjoy reading!



*Amily's POV*

"This is the place." I pulled up to the driveway and stopped. Aiden was sitting in the passenger seat eyeing the small house. I got out looking around the neighborhood. Aiden's house was not far from here. The house was small, but it had 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms as well as the kitchen and a living room.

Not usually what I was use to. I had lived in a like mansion my whole life, this house was no way compared to it. While my old house had big rooms, this one didn't. I got out the keys, opening the door.

"It looks nice. It's even closer to "The Bookstore"." I went in  followed my Aiden close behind.

"Huh...I just noticed that. I am thinking about bringing Molly?" I said sitting on the couch.

"Why not? It's your place." Yeah it is, but I really don't know if my mom or dad what her. They haven't taken care of her so why should they.

"Come on, help me unload." I kissed him, teasing him. I ran out and he followed.

"When we are done you're so getting it." I looked at him in shock. He grabbed a box and I couldn't help but stare at how his muscles flex in that shirt. He saw me looking and winked at me. I rolled my eyes, grabbing a box too.


"That's the last box." Aiden said , as he sat the last box down and leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Think fast." He caught the water bottle in mid air and drank it.

Boxes were everywhere. I didn't even feel like sorting them out. It was dark already, it can wait till tomorrow. Aiden tossed the water bottle in the trash coming towards me. I started stepping backwards, hitting the wall. His body pressed against mine. He had intentionally gotten me to the wall.

Smirking jerk.

"Guess what?" I said, before our lips could connect. 

"What?" He pulled away, looking at me.

"Guess." He rolled his eyes annoyed.

"You want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you?" He leaned in again. The gape between us closing. Goosebumps forming on my arms. The butterflies inside me, but more like a jungle of hungry monkeys. His hands on my waist while mine on his neck.

Nope." I said popping the p.

I got out of his grip and ran. He stood there for second thinking about what I had just done. I could hear his steps behind me. This house was to small with not a lot of places to hide.

"Amily! Come on, don't be like that." He passed the closest I was in. I held my laughter back.

"Amily?" His feet showing under the door as he approached the door. The closest door opened and I jumped on him and we fell backwards. We hit with a loud thump. I couldn't stop laughing since I had landed on his private part. His face was priceless. I got  of off him.

"Sorry about that." He held himself against the wall leaning on it. I bite my tongue, stopping myself from laughing.

"It hurt like f-"


"It hurt like fudge..there." I nodded in approval.

"I think I am not going to be able to have kids." He let his head fall back onto the wall. I stared in aw.

"Whoever said I wanted kids." His eyes looked at me with shock and disbelieve. I stared back at him as well. I wouldn't mind of the ground opened itself up and swallowed me. Right now would be great.

"I uh...I." I mumbled out words, but I really didn't know how to at this moment. It was turn though, I don't really want kids, but the fact that I was talking about having kids with him was not okay. The other thing was that not now, but in the future. The future, something that I have not even thought of. Did I see myself with Aiden?

"Did you just assumed that we would be together for long?" He turned his head back at me again. I didn't know what to say. I kind of did, didn't I though. I didn't even know if we were. Did I want to be with him for the rest of my life?

"Because I do what to. So what do you say what to be my girlfriend again?" He was now in front of me. His tall figure making me almost invisible.

"Yes." Sounding more like a whisper.

"What was that I didn't hear you?" He did too.

"Yes." I said louder than before.

"I still didn't hear it." I punched him in the guts, but he didn't move much by my strength the size of a cuddly puppy. I hate myself for trying to even seem strong.

"Yes I will be your girlfriend! Again."

A huge smile appears on his face, turning into a playful smirk.

"What you thinking about?" I asked sounding scared. That smile only means one thing.

I am than picked up and thrown over his shoulder as I kick and punch. It obviously doesn't work so I stop.

"Aiden let me go." Annoyance sounding in my voice. He walks around the house opening doors.and closing them. He finally settles for the master bedroom and drops me on the bed, he follows after.

I finally give in and kiss him. How many times has he tried to kiss me, but I got out of his grip? I don't know. His lips warm and sweet on mine. The way his gentle like If I was some porcelain doll. I personally don't like those creepy dolls, but right now I can relate to them, somehow. It didn't last long before we had to stop for air. I've wonder if anybody has died from kissing?

"I hope not." Aiden said as he let his flippy hair fall on my face. I blew it off my eyes.

"I said that out loud...huh?" He nodded kissing my nose. I made a face at him doing that.

"Well you never know?"

"Well than what to try to see if it is possible?" I shook my head in disapproval. He just laughed, getting up.

"What something to eat?" I asked  him changing the subject. I fixed my shirt getting up myself too.

"Sure." There's nothing in the fridge though. Crap. It's to late to even go grocery shopping. I followed behind as he headed towards the empty kitchen.

"How does instant noodles sound to you?" He laughs. It's the only thing I have for now.

"Why not? Let this be our first meal in your new home." Idiot.

"It's a good one than."


Well comment, vote, fan me to Idk know when I update:)


Dedicated to My best friend: Candace

*three finger salute* to Philip A.K.A Plutarch;_;

*Awkward C.*

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