39. Asking Questions

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*Haiiiiii!! I am sorry for not updating on Saturday, but you see I was going through tough times and yeah....

I am back though and with a new part c:

Dun Dun Dunnnnn!!


Amily's POV

*1 month left till Lizz's Wedding*

Butterfly kisses were being placed all over my face. I opened my eyes a bit to confirm that it was indeed Aiden. Tiredness taking over control making me close my eyes. As good as his kisses felt against my skin, I push him to make him stop. I than noticed he had no shirt on.

"Stop. I need sleep." Aiden laughed at the way my voice sounded in the morning; like if I hadn't drunk water in a million years. Unlike his which sounds sexy.

"Come on wake up." His morning voice sending chills down my spine. I kept my eyes closed wanting nothing more for him to let me sleep. I felt him move closer, but I kept my eyes closed. His warmth inches away from me as I would come closer he would move.I groaned in annoyance.

"Aiden!" I said face planting on the pillow. My lost of oxygen made me turn my head to the side to breathe, and to open my eyes seeing a smirking Aiden.

"You don't want to spend the remaining hour I have before work sleeping now do you?" If only his words weren't true.

"Nah...I think I am going to sleep." I laughed or tried to. I got up and began gathering my cloth to dress in the bathroom.

FtWere you being sarcastic?" He asked picking his shirt off the ground and putting it on. Is it even clean? I shrugged if off and walked in the bathroom locking it.

"Do you really need to lock it?" I finished brushing my teeth and putting on my cloth and just looked at myself in the mirror.

"Yes! You perv!" His laughter could be heard outside the door.


"Kerisen? I brought some food?" She looked up at me as I entered the living room. I had just come back from Aiden's house after he cut my sleep short. That dimwit will pay for that as well.

"Sure what you got?" I sat down beside her placing the food in the middle. She grabbed the fries and began eating them without taking her eyes of the TV. She was watching Pretty Little Liars, I never was intrigued by it nor am I now.

I had nothing better to do, but watch Pretty Little Liars with her. I entertained myself with my phone, by refreshing Facebook every minute. The sneak peek of next weeks Pretty Little Liars was being shown. A smile formed on my face due to the fact that the show was over.

"Do you want to go walk around town?" I asked kerisen, putting my phone in my back pocket.

"Sure, let me get my shoes and phone." She said getting off the couch and turning off the TV.

Over the last month I've got to know Kerisen, well I kind of had to since she lives with me. We both like books and enjoy reading. She's pretty too, but according to Aiden not Amily beautiful. I sat back down on the couch smiling at nothing.

Kerisen seems cool and I'd like her to actually live with me, but she's got to go back. I frowned at the thought of that. Only 4 more weeks till Lizz's wedding and then back to normal. We have a lot if stuff in common. Reading is one of them. Her skills on making stuff is incredible.

Kerisen walked into the living room wearing skinny jeans and a band shirt. Another thing we have in common. Her black vans matching the outfit. I on the other hand was wearing converse with skinny jeans and one of Aiden's band shirt.

"Ready?" I asked getting off the couch.

"Yeah." Kerisen with her cheerful voice. Was she ever not happy?

We walked out the door, locking it.

"I can't wait till Lizz's wedding!" Her voice again.

"Yeah. It's a big day for Tyler and her." Lizz's been waiting for this for a long time and now it is happening.

"So Tyler comes from a rich family?"

"Yeah. My parents are friends of them." I remembered the first time I met them and Tyler was a jerk. That was also the third or second time I bumped into Aiden.


"That's so cool, so your like rich as well." I nodded. I didn't think that was cool at all. Yeah, you get about anything, but it's not something to brag about.

"I wish I was rich. All the things I could get." She giggled. Yeah you could get a lot, but it also comes with being spoiled and not a lot of people like that.

"I didn't really like it. That's just me. I didn't feel right, besides I didn't like going to all those party's and-"

"How's Tyler like?" Kerisen interrupted me. Her need to know about Tyler made me think she may be interested in him, but Kerisen didn't seem the type to do that to a friend.

"His really nice. He treats Lizz like a princess almost although Lizz hates it." I couldn't help, but laugh.

"Oh...that's nice. What kind of hair color does he have?"


"Eye Color?"

"Blue. Is this 20 questions about Tyler?" I said annoyed.

"No. I just wanted to know about him."

"Okay sure. Let's stop at the cafe in front of The Bookstore." If she is up to something I will not hesitate to call Lizz.


I updated today since I don't have school tomorrow!


I had a bit of Writesblock, but I got out of it...YAY!!

I will like to share that a guy asked for my number and me being me said "I don't text" how awkward of me right!?!? THAT'S WHY I WAS HOPING SOMETHING WOULD HAPPENED SO I WON'T SEE HIM MONDAY, but the weather is not going to help me for long!! FUDGE YOU!!


*Awkward C.* over and out.

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