14. Mom

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THANKS!!~~Fangirling Girl


You know those moments when you just don't want to find stuff out. Like when you know your teacher is going to give out a test but you don't want to know. You get the point. I didn't want to find out why Kyle was after me. I wanted to just enjoy the view of the sun going down like the ocean is swallowing it.

I looked straight into Kyle's eyes. They were full of mysteries. He face showed no expression whatsoever.

"Because..." He took a deep breathe and came closer to me. I didn't know what to do so I stayed put.

He was right in front of me. His face only inches away. He looked at my eyes than at my lips. "Oh no!" Screamed my brain. He is going to kiss me. Of all the other people he wants to kiss me.

"I like you." Those three words that a lot of people want to hear at some point from the person they really like. In my case they where words that I did not want to hear from Kyle.

"Amily! Amily!" Someone was screaming at me. I snapped my head towards the sound. I opened my eyes. Why where my eyes closed.

"Are you okay. You zoned out a bit." He said. He put his hand on my shoulder making me flinch at the touch of his hand.

"Didn't you just tell me.Wait. What."I said confused. Was this some kind of trick.

"I have not said anything." He said.

Oh thank goodness. It was just a daydream. That never happened. He does not like me. Well that is a just hurt. Explains why my eyes where closed

"Are you okay? You acting really weird."

"Yeah I am fine. Aren't you going to tell me. I believe I asked you a question."

"Because I can't. It's your mom." He said putting his head down

"What about my mom."

"She is paying me to not let you be with people like him." He made his hand in a fist. I knew who he was talking about.

"My mom is paying you to watch out for me but why?" What a great mom. Since when does she even care.

"Your mom wanted us to someday-." He said looking down. My eyes nearly popped out just imagining what he was going to say next.

"Get what?" I wanted to know so bad.

"I was not trying to scare you that day at the concert. I just wanted you to push Aiden and his sister away from you. Your mom wants us to get married." She wanted me and Kyle to get married after he nearly tried to kill me.

"Well you didn't really cause much. It all just happened by itself. My mom always wanted us to get married but I honestly think I am to young to get married."

"I don't want to anymore. I did like you at first but than-" I cut him off knowing what he was going to say.

"You met her. She is really pretty."

"Yeah. She really is, but I think I ruined it now." He looked put his head down sad again. He still did the same things that he would do when he was sad,angry,or shy.

"I doubt it. Just tell her I am like you sister or something. She will believe you.You know Kyle I never really picture you being a bad guy. At first I was scared but your just a big lovable teddy bear. Hahaha." I said trying to cheer him up again.

"Oh really. I never pictured you being a bad girl going around with guys like Aiden." He started tickling me on my sides. I fell and almost ate sand.

I began spitting out sand."Hasn't your mom told you not to eat sand. It is not clean or lady like." He said making fun of me.

"Shut up." I grabbed sand and threw it at him. It ended up being a sand fight.

We both fell to the ground trying to breath again. We were both looking at the stars. I was so happy Kyle was back and not to kill me like I thought he would. Well I didn't think he would after he spilled his secret to me.

"Kyle are you still going to kill me?" I said shyly. I have seen those killers that get close to that victim and than Bang! He kills them. That could be me.

He turned his face to me and started laughing. "I never was going to kill you in the first place. I am capable of doing stuff but killing is not my thing. I was just. I don't know wanted to keep you safe from Aiden." Kyle was like the older brother I.never had. Even before all this happened he would always care for me.

"Oh..well I am glad your not. I am sorry about your dad. You don't know how bad I feel everyday about what happened."

"I never blamed you for my dads death."

I nodded and turned my head back to looking at the stars. One of the things I used to do with Kyle. It reminded me of many things. Like you didn't have to worry about anything. Kyle looked deep in thoughts. I kept eyeing him and he would catch me and just smile.

He got up."Come on let's go somewhere?" He grabbed my hand pulling me up.

"Where you want to go?" I asked curiously. He smiled like a psycho. It was a bit scary and other stuff..

I snapped my fingers in his face."Could you stop smiling like a psycho. It is getting really creepy." I said. He looked back at me but this time he was smirking at me.

"Sorry. I am supposed to be at this huge ball but I am here. So want to come with me?"

"I can't go like this. If my parents heard about how I went to a ball in this. It will be the death of me. I can already see it. Please No!" I panicked.

"Amily! Calm down!" He put his hands on my shoulders to calm me down."I will take you home and you can do all your girly stuff and I will put on a suit.. Better late than looking like this right?" He said to me.

"Okay." We walked back to my car. Kyle looked around the corner in case Aiden was still there but why would he. It is really late and all you could see was the street lights.

"I will pick you up at." He looked at his watch. "9:00 is that okay?" He asked waiting for my respond.

"Yeah that is okay. See you then." He hugged me and left.



If you just thought of it as something dirty. OH I HOPE YOU GET SOME HELP. JK.

Feedback is welcome good or bad.

Allons-y~~Fangirling Girl

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