38. Kerisen

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HeyHiHello!!! It's currently as in now Sunday and really late like 2:20 AM late.

I have been busy and had writersblock as well AND I AM READING looking for alaska by John Green which made me procrastinate too....ugh!

I was going to update Saturday, but yeah I went to buy a book and this really cools bookmark that says Book Nerd..hehe..oh and than went to see Cloudy With The Chance of Meatballs 2 at someone's house.....I hit the bed and fell asleep quickly FORGETTING ABOUT WRITING...AHHHH!

Well enjoy this chapter/part whichever:)


Aiden's P.O.V

*1 month later*

"Amily and I can't go. Can you please go pick her up from the airport? We have a lot to do and we don't have anyone else to go get her." Lizz said as I sighed in frustration. I could hear Amily singing in the background. It sucked not being with her. This whole wedding thing is making me lose it. I can't have a day with Amily because she's busy. Lizz is really stressing over this and she knows everything is okay.

"Fine, I'll go! Tell Amily I said hey and see you later." This better not take long.

"Thanks and I will."  Lizz said before hanging up.


I stood there at the gate number Lizz told me to stand at for fifteen minutes now. I was holding a sign up with her name on it. I kept looking at the watch seeing if maybe time would hurry up.

"Um...I am Kerisen." A girl about 5'3 stood in front of me. Her blonde hair and blue eyes standing out the most. Yeah she was pretty, but not Amily beautiful. She looked decent wearing a plain shirt and jeans along with vans.

"Yeah, I am Aiden. The car is this way." She grabbed her two suitcases and rolled them with eased. I didn't want to ask if she need help as she had it all under control.

"So you're Lizz's brother?" She asked on the way to the car.

"Mmhmm." I simply said.

"That's nice." I smiled at her and opened the trunk. She stood there watching as I put in her two bags that were quite heavy in. Did she have rocks in here?

She got in the passenger seat as I got in. Could this be more awkward?

You could have hand contact.

Please no. Indeed that would make it weird and a whole new level of awkward. I tap my fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the music. The need to sing The Middle by Jimmy eat World, One of Amily's favorites, is killing me.

"You like Jimmy eat World? I nodded not even looking at her. I could see from the corner of my eye her hands tapping on her jeans to the beat too.

"We are here." I said pulling up to Amily's place. We got off. I almost forgot about her suitcases because of the need to see Amily. I opened the trunk and got them out without a trouble.

"I'll take them." She nodded and let me. She followed behind. I didn't even hesitate to knock, I just opened the door like if I was my house. I sat the suitcases down at the door.

"Aiden!" Amily screamed running towards me like every other time. I loved it though seeing her be happy after all she's been through. I stumble back, but balance again holding her tight.

"Let's leave these love birds alone and get you to your room. I am sure you're exhausted." Lizz said taking Kerisen to her room that she would stay in for one month. It felt as is it was going to be an eventful month and wedding. The feeling of it wouldn't fade.

"I convinced Lizz to take a few days off, which also means that I won't do much for a few days." She let go of me and smiled at me. Oh that smile.

"Aiden?" She asked for the third as I was lost in the way she would say my name. How long had I've been away from her? To long to even go a day without her.

"Umm...yeah what?" I shook my head and realized she had said something. She laughed at me.

"Goodness are you deaf? I said Lizz is taking a few days off and so am I. Everything is set and I am sure we are ready in advance, but you know it's hard to convince Lizz."

"It's like she's on her monthly thing everyday." I said making her laugh. I adored her laughed too.

"You've been staring at me weird. Are you okay?" She questioned me. I have haven't l.

I didn't answer her, but instead I dragged her to her room and kissed her, before I went mad. I kissed her Slowly, but passionately.

/@*$/!+&#*#Let's keep it PG*!*$?@*#*#

I was flying a kite today!!!

Well hope you liked that part and yeah....until next time Aiden and Amily shippers....*-*



Dupstep songs seem to last longer that regular songs well for me and that was what I was hearing while writing this...lol


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