34. Moving

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Procrastination Station!! I've been doing that more often than usual like I don't even notice it, but why would I want to anyways. Anywho....new part! *-*

Yeah here's the new part and yeah.

I've been writing it on my phone so....yeah beware of the errors:P


*Aiden's POV*


"Aaaaiden!" Lizz better shut up before I make her. Now this is getting annoying by the second. I have a hangover and here she is calling my name loudly.

"Leave me alone." I spoke, turning over and lifting my covers over my head.


Last time I remember I was in The Bookstore drinking while Lily was downstairs working. I really scared her when I walked in with beer in my hand. It didn't take long for her to not tell anybody I was there. I don't recall going home or anybody in general bringing me here.

Aiden if you don't get up- "

"I am up!" She hurried out the door while I took a quick shower and put on some cloth not even bothering to see how I looked. I needed to see Amily and soon.

I entered the kitchen and sat across from Tyler. He smiled at me, but I didn't return it. Sure, he was my sister's boyfriend and a nice guy, but now I don't care if I am being rude.

"You should thank him for bringing you home, Aiden." Lizz stood in front of the sink leaning on it.

"Thanks." I tried to sound nice, but it came out monotone instead. I left the kitchen while they were having a conversation that I found rather boring.

They could be making out now since I left them alone, but I don't care. I also don't care if Amily's parents know that Amily does remember me.

"I'll be back soon." I told Lizz, grabbing my keys.

"Okay, be safe." She sounds like my mom. I shrugged it off and head towards Amily's house.

*Amily's POV*

"I am moving." I said towards my parents who were eating. They looked shocked. They stopped eating and now had their attention on me. My mom slowly wiped of the corners of her lips with a napkin and sat the it down. My dad didn't even leave his eyes from me. It felt as if he was looking through me.

It had taking me a lot of courage to just say those three words. I don't even know why? I am 19 after all. I am a responsible human being. I didn't even have to tell them if I wanted. I should have left the moment I knew about them making my life a lie.

"You can't." My mom finally spoke.

"I didn't ask for your permission. I am moving." Her mouth was now slightly open and dad still sat there. "You're to young. You barely know anything. Where you going to stay? I am sure you don't even have a place yet and here you're saying your moving." I felt my hands curl up into a ball under the table.

"I am 19 and I can make my decision now. You're always making me sound like a kid. I have a place that's why I am telling you that I am moving. Why do you even want me here? To make me go to another party that I don't want to go? I am tired of you manipulating my life!" I was now standing up ready to walk out of the dining room.

"I am not manipulating your life. I am trying to get you to make the right decision and you moving, is not a good one!"

"Yes you are! The last year has been a lie. You've lied to me about my life. You made me forget Aiden and my friends. My real friends! You pushed them away from me! You lied to me!" She gasped in shocked and fell back on the chair. "It was for the best!" Seriously!

"No it wasn't. Now look how your lie backfired. I am moving and it's final." I walked out the room. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. My hands were shaking from actually letting all that out. I took fast steps to my room, locking it and sliding down the door. I cried for no reason. Maybe because I actually felt like I was not going to be in this house ever again. I felt free for once.

"You're moving?" I got up in shocked. Aiden stood on the opposite wall, leaning on it. He looked like he own the whole place.

"Yeah...somewhere near here." I finished wiping my eyes.

"Good." He said giving me his signature smile.

"I am sorry about yesterday and the day before. I should have let you talk before leaving. I was such a jerk. I am really sorry. I got mad because, well he kissed you! I ended up punching him and I got my revenge on him than he said something that got me mad and I ended up crushing at The Bookstore."

"It's fine, I am glad I found you." I hugged him and he did the same. I had to call Lizz at 5 a.m to come get him. She had to bring Tyler along.

"Your parents know now.....about you remembering. I was actually going to just walk in the room and say hi to you and see the shock of your mom, but you beat me to it." He laughed. I chuckle a bit too. I would rather see that than me blurting it out loud.

"I would have rather see that." I pulled away from the hug.

"Sure. She would have got a heart attack." He pretended to me my mom and fell on the bed with his hand on his chest.

"Help, I've fallen and I can't get up! Life Alert!" He screamed. I threw a pillow at him which resulted in a pillow fight.


Yeah tell me what you think!

Also check out my other story's....they're good as well and I bet even better!

nomnomnom...Vic Fuentes!!

Goodnight, Good Morning, Afternoon wherever you are just be awesome:)

Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly~Sleeping with Sirens

*over and got*


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