42. Hands Down

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I didn't expect to wait this long to post this. I wrote this part twice and deleted it and yeah. I had major writersblock too. I am sorry for the wait. I tried writing it earlier, but I have been busy with school and personal stuff.



Aiden's POV

I parked my car in the driveway. Amily's car nowhere to be seen. I made a mental note to call her soon. She must of lost track of time at The Bookstore. It's been 2 months since Lizz's wedding they just got back from their honeymoon. She may be with her.

I opened the door. Smelling the new air freshener Amily bought. We spent ten minutes trying to find one. She would pick one up and smell it, then go for another. I just stood back and watched her face as she would smell each one. She would sometimes let me smell them and she would get mad because I would say that they all smelled good which they did. I smiled at the memory.

I made my way to the bathroom since working all day fixing cars was a dirty job. Amily gets mad if I try to hug her when my cloth are covered with oil. I would sometimes chase her around the house. That thought made me smile.


The only sound I could hear was the sound of the remote going click. There was nothing good on tonight. Not even Amily's favorite show. She's a bit mad that it doesn't come on till September. Doctor Who is alright, I don't complain that I don't want to watch it because it is really good.

The the sound of the front door opening pulls me out of my thoughts. I set the remote down.

"Amily?" I call out getting up from the couch. I am thrown back on the couch as she giggles. She places kisses on my neck. Fudge. I close my eyes and place my hands on her waist as she hovers over me now kissing my lips. She kisses me softly like she's afraid I will let her go. She pulls away as I was going to deepen the kiss.

"I was at Lizz's house." I am glad to hear that she was not somewhere else. She makes me scoot over and makes herself comfortable beside me.

"She didn't go into detail or did she?" Our hands intertwine as she laughs.

"I told her not to, but she did anyway." Lizz can rarely keep her mouth shut. Reminds me of the times I would do something and tell her not to tell, but of course she would. Every since then I have kept things to myself, but she would get out the truth one way or the other.

"Well, looks like she corrupted you." She smacks my chest as I laugh. She hovers over me again, but this time we just stare at each other. I smile and she smiles back. I catch her off guard and flip her over so that I am above her.

I lean forward, making her believe that I was gonna kiss her. At the last minute I kiss her forehead and move my lips close to her ear.

"Get dressed. Something comfortable." I kiss her lightly on the cheek and head to the bathroom.

"Aiden!" I heard her scream. Afterwards I hear the bedroom door open and check to see if it is clear to come out.

I hold the tiny box in my hand twirling it, opening it, and closing it. I have a speech in my head, but the more I practice it, the more I forget it. I pull the ring out examining it for the fiftieth time. It's really beautiful, like her. I couldn't have chosen it without Lizz's help. I hate to admit it, but I am glad she was there.

I put the ring back in place as I hear her step out of the room. I turn around and act like I've been doing nothing.

"So where we off to?" She asks. I notice she changed her shirt to some band shirt. The shirt she had on before was fine, but that shirt she has on now reminds me of when I met her.

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