43. I can't

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Yes, I am so so so sorry for the latttte update. I have finals and what now, but NOW I DON'T!! For two months at least.

I just want to say


Anyways enjoy the short update there will be more tomorrow:)


*5 months later*

"Amily?" Aiden knocked on the bathroom door. I didn't want to open it.

"Yes?" I said, holding my stomach. I had the urged to throw up. This was the third time and I was scared to know why I've been like this. I didn't want him to be in here after he just got off work.

"Are you okay?" I picked myself off the bathroom floor and forced a smile on my face as I opened the door.

"Yeah. Hey!" He hugged me and I returned the gesture.

"How's my wife doing?" I couldn't help, but laugh. It's been a month now, since we got married. Weird? Yes! My parents came, but my mom refused to talk to me. My dad was supportive and walked me down the aisle.

"I'm good. How was work?" I leaned on the wall for support.

"Tiring. Really tiring." He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I'll be cooking dinner." I had no idea what to make.  I can barely stand up. Aiden was already headed to the bathroom. I began to stand up straight when..


I threw up one more time. It burned like crap. There was a flipping fire going on in my throat. I held my stomach with my hands. I rubbed it trying to subside the pain. I winced in pain.

"Amily?" I hadn't noticed how long I was on the floor before Aiden came in the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" I shook my head no. He picked me up. I closed my eyes until I felt the soft material of the bed cover. He placed me down and making me move. I hissed at the pain.

"I don't know what to do?" He was beside me on one knee. I laughed and he seemed to let go of a breathe, he was holding in.

"It's just my stomach.....ow."  The pain came back.

"I think I should take you to the hospital." He suggested. I shook my head no. I am fine.

Ow! I held my hand on my stomach again. This was not normal.

"We are going now!" He picked me up again. We were passing the bedroom door when he hit my head on the door.

"Sorry, love." He said and kissed my forehead.

"My stomach is killing me and now you want my head to hurt?" I groaned.

He placed me in the car and then got in. The pain grew and I couldn't take it. My eyes began to close.


"I need to talk to you privately." I heard a deep voice that I didn't recognize.

"Is she going to be alright?" That was Aiden! I opened my eyes and I was on a hospital bed.


Aiden's POV.

The doctor closed the door behind him. I am sure he could have told me in there in front of Amily. How bad could it be? I ran my hands through my hair.

"So what did you want to say to me that you couldn't say in there?" I was upset. She had woken up already and here I was.

"She had  a miscarriage." I looked at him to see if he was being serious. His eyes showed that in fact he was being serious. Right now I would like more than anything to see people pop out of nowhere, and tell me this was a prank.

"How many w-weeks?" My voice cracked.

"2 months." I hit the wall. I was successful not to make a hole in the wall.

"I am sorry. You still have more chances to have children." Yeah, but she'll remember that she didn't get to even hold it. She will probably blame herself for not noticing or think she did something wrong.

"When can she leave?" I asked. I began to calm down.

"Today." I nodded. I can't tell her! She'll began crying and shut everyone out. I ran my hands through my hair again.

"I am really sorry. I always hate telling people about this, especially young people who want children." He said and left.


HEY! This story is coming to an end. *tear* I'll probably write a new one Idk...Idk. Almost at 20+ reads!!! *dead*


*Awkward C.* over and out

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