25. Sleepy head

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I am updated from my cousin's Wi-Fi since I don't have service on my phone.

I need to hurry!!!

so thanks for reading

Stay Beautiful!! and fangirl on!!~~C.


I knew he was going to come, but my lack of sleep was not going to let me be a happy camper once he comes and starts questioning me. I told Lizz to text me if anything happened.

I climbed into my bed, pulling the duvet over me.

Aiden's POV***********************

Why would she call me a 3 in the morning just because?

Where the heck is Lizz?

Those questions kept ringing in my head. I couldn't even drive right. I am sure I passed a red light. I got some cars honking at me.

Amily's house came to view, I began to calm down a bit. I took my motorcycle to the back where it couldn't be seen and hide it behind the bushes. I looked up to Amily's balcony, even though she wouldn't like that I came without telling her.

I climbed up and look through her door, she was sleeping! It's about to be 12! I opened the door slowly not to wake her up, but failed once I trip over a shoe.

She didn't wake up! She was still on the bed the same position. Like who does not hear someone trip over a shoe and not wake up? Amily! She was breathing so she is not dead.

I shook her!

Clapped in her ear.

Sang horrible!

Played metal rock!

Nothing worked!! There could be a tornado and she would sleep through it all. I gave up and laid on her bed. Facing her. She looked so peaceful and pretty. Her hair was sticking up a bit, but she still looked beautiful. I moved some hair from her face. Her face so soft, I couldn't help myself from touching it again.

I began singing Somebody to call my own by we the kings.(listen to it!!)

I don't sing, well only if I am really bored or alone. I didn't mind if Amily heard me, but she is probably in her 5th dream right now. She sings so pretty, much better than me.

Lizz has been bugging me about when am I going ask her out. Well I don't want to just go up to her and ask her out. I would to any other girl that was until I meet Amily. I should ask her on a date or take her to that carnival they always have here.

My phone began to ring, I checked the caller ID. It so happened to be Evan! I rolled my eyes and answered it.

"You have a fight today!"

"Hello to you too."

"I am being serious,Aiden!"

"I have plans tonight!"

"Well cancel them! Meet at the same place as always."

"I-" He had hanged up before letting me finish my freaking sentence. I tried to call him back, but he seemed to ignore them. What gets me more pissed off is that he doesn't even consider my plans, but when it comes to him I do. These fights where becoming frequent than before, which seems weird.

I didn't want to leave Amily, but I didn't want to have to leave her in a couple of hours. She wouldn't even know I was here.

Amily's POV

First there was a earthquake than, I was magically in a concert with people clapping there hands like seals. The concert began and out came some man singing like a dieing whale, people where clapping for him. It got better because Bring me The Horizon started playing Sleepwalking.

I yawn a bit and looked out the window. My eyes widened, it was about to be dark. I ran over to my phone and it was 5ish. I face palmed myself. You have got to be kidding me. I bet Aiden came, but found me sleeping. I am still in my pijamas.

I took a long shower. My parents where not home yet. I decided to go on a walk after I get myself something to eat. I went down the stairs finding molly and the puppies going about the house. They had got bigger.

Mom gave one away to one of the neighbors, she just gave it away without telling me. The little girl loved it so I was not that mad. She came occasionally to let her puppy,which she called "Toddles", to visit.

I finished my hot pocket and left.

My headphones where in. The music blasting full volume. I had not realized that I was at the other end of town. Fudge. I took out my headphones, trying to figure out where I was.

"Hit him in the stomach!" Someone screamed. I turned around trying to find the source of the voice. There was more screaming, but I couldn't quite make out what they where saying.

I walked a bit farther. There where a mixture of people in a circle, watching some people fighting. Illegal fights, I am guessing. I was curious as to who it was. I out my hood up and walked up to the crowd.

"Would you like to bet,babe?" I looked at him. Babe?!?!? I shocked my head no and got a bit closer. The amount of people made it hard to see who it was.

Once I got there they where already announcing the winner.

"Aiden wins again!" Some guy raised the winners hand. I was at the very front now looking at him. Aiden fights...illegal fights. He was smiling while the other guy laid on the ground unconscious. Heartless piece of...ugh.

I pushed past the people again, away from this. Away from him. Someone screamed my name and I knew it was Aiden. He had seen me. I walked faster and even ran turning here and there.

I soon ran into something hard. I stumble back and looked up.

"You look just like you sister." He said smirking. The evil in his eyes, eyeing my every move.

"Amily!" I heard Aiden scream.

"Aiden!" I turned around fast and ran Aiden's direction. I heard a click followed by a gun shot.


Don't kill me!!

I know I left a cliffhanger!!


I will update on the weekends or maybe you may just get a surprise update:)



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