18. Paper Airplanes

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Ello, what's up. It is me again!! Yay! Thanks a lot with Josh Hutcherson on top. Hahaha. You people that are reading this are awesome!!!

*I am updating since I won't have service on my phone until next week*

Stay Beautiful and Fangirl On.





Will there ever be a day that I don't see his rubbish face. I guess not. He is probably teaming up with Ashley to make my life even worst. Aiden kept laughing with her. It made me mad. I was not jealous or was I. She could have him. There both the same. Heartless, brains of a peanut.

If he was going to be here with her I would rather go home. He ruined the night. Shouldn't he be passing out drinks or something.

I got up from my seat. " Sorry,guys. I am leave. It was nice to umm..be here. Bye!" I said.

"Wait!" Kyle got up.

"I can go walking it is fine. I am sure you would rather be here." He nodded and went back to his seat.

I made my way around the house. I had to past Aiden and Ashley. I didn't take much notice so they wouldn't think I saw them. They all got quiet but I kept walking. I reached the end and walked home with my headphones in. I ended up dancing the way home.

I went in and was greeted by Molly. I screamed at the top of my longs.letting everything that I wanted to get out back there. Much better. I let myself relax and got into my pajamas.

I landed flat on my bed like a flying squirrel. Molly put herself next to me.

"You know Molly. Your the best dog ever!" Molly barked.

"Holy-!" I fell of the bed . I made a very nonhuman sound. She understood me or was I going crazy.

I got back on the bed."Well since you understand me or I think you do. I don't really have anybody else to say this to. I don't know what to do anymore. I see him everywhere. I am talking about Aiden by the way. I should be mad at him right? He talked bad about me and lied about it. Now I am here talking to a dog. No offense." I face Palmed myself. What am I doing? I have really gone nuts.

I got up from bed and did what I do when I am confused. I plug my iPod to the wall and played the music on loud. Fall Out Boys - Dance Dance came on first.


Aiden's POV

I saw her leave the party and I followed her. I could not stand Ashley. Her really high pitched voice. Fake. She is all fake. It was the only way to see Amily. She looked like she was having a good time.

From talking to her dog to dancing around her room. This girl sure knows how to make me want her more. Yet I can't have her. She was everything that I would want but it was better to just leave it this way. Me watching her from a far. I sound like a stalker scratch that I am one.

Molly notices but Amily just thinks she is barking for no reason. She better keep thinking that. Amily was so beautiful even with her over-sized t-shirt and shorts. She kept pumping into stuff since she kept going in circles. I wanted to go on there and laugh at her and dance randomly like her.

She was sitting on the floor holding her stomach and started moving towards me. I ran quickly to the side of the house.

"It is so freaking hot in there, Molly. I feel like I just ran a marathon." She came out saying. I smiled at the sound of her voice.

I looked to see of the coast was clear. I went back up to her balcony. She was sitting on the floor leaning on her bed. Writing stuff on a pieces of paper and making them into paper airplanes. She was very concentrated. The way her head turned to the side a bit and her eyebrows moved. She was singing along to the music.

"Well there's a million other girls who do it just like you Looking as innocent as possible to get to who they want And what they like, it's easy if you do it right Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse!" She finished sing and added her own "Ashley I refuse!" I laughed thinking that she just called Ashley a slut.

She got up again and I guessed it was time for me to go home. I was nearly 1am. I got to the bottom and stayed under her balcony.

"You now what my grandma taught me,Molly. Well she said that if I wanted to let something out to write it down and make it into a Airplane and let it fly." She started tossing airplanes. It looked kind of cool. Some fell in the pool other got stuck on trees.

One hit me right in the head. I picked it up and read it.

It said: "I like Aiden Songs!!" My eyes widen. A smile started forming on my face. She did like me back but I screwed up. I wanted to go up there and kiss her and tell I did too. I put it in my pocket and went home. I was smiling like a idiot all the way home.




Thanks again for reading!! Vote, Comment, follow Me!

Until Next week:)

Stay Beautiful and Fangirl On. I prefer Fan Warriors Though!!~~C.

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