36. Breathtaking

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I am trying to stay on a schedule to when I update and it's usually on Saturdays, but I been posted at like 3 am on Sundays.....yeah

Like right now it's 1a.m something

Welllllll enjoy reading:)

Song stuck in my head while writing this Rolling Stone by Falling in Reverse!


Amily's POV

It's been a week since I had moved in. It seems really quiet now that I don't hear my mom screaming at the maids to do something. The occasionally sound of her calling my name because she needed to tell me something important. I can't say, I don't miss it because honestly I do. I lived there for 18 years of course I would miss it. I wouldn't miss the times my mom would wake me up just to get ready to a party that was 4 hours later.

I was brought out of my daydream by the sound of the door of The Bookstore opening. It made the little bell sound once someone came in.

"Welcome to The Bookstore." I greeted her. She nodded and smiled at me as she went about.

The door was opened again, but this time with a very excited Lizz. A huge smile on her face. I was scared to know what was going on. Her faces looked as if she had just killed someone. Like a happy serial killer....yeah

"OMG! Tyler....he...just...OMG!" Tyler did what?

"Lizz! Calm down! Your scarring the customers." The girl who had come in was looking cautiously at Lizz.

"I can't. I've been waiting to tell you this." I eyed her waiting for her to tell me already. The only thing she did was place her hand on the counter.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded. She kept eyeing her hand. I finally saw her hand and she had a ring on her left hand. My eyes grew big.

"Did Tyler....OMG! I am so happy to hear that." She nodded as I hugged her.


She began telling me about how he asked her. They were on a date at the fair yesterday. She gave me every detail of the date and stuff I didn't want to know.

"We still don't know what day, but I am so happy!"

Someone cleared their throat behind Lizz. She apologized and let me ring the person up while she went looking around. She waved at me as she left.

"Hey, Amily. I haven't seen you since the ball." I tried remembering who he was. I knew he was one of Kyle's friends.

"Yeah...I been really busy." He nodded sending me a smile.

"Yeah, Kyle told me your were in a bad accident. I am glad you made it."

"Me too. Here are your books."

"Well see you around than." He said walking towards the door. At the same time Aiden was coming in. Aiden giving Phil a glare. I rolled my eyes at his jealously.

"Who was that?" Aiden said.

"A friend of Kyle's, Phil, we met a long time ago."

"I don't like him." He doesn't like any guy who even say anything to me.

"You haven't even met him." I barked back.


"Don't judge a book by It's cover." I said to Aiden as I ringing up the girl who came earlier.

"Have a nice day." I said as she left.

"Has Lizz talked to you recently?" I asked Aiden as I began to organize stuff to close.

"Yea, she wouldn't shut up about the ring and everything. I was glad when she left to tell you." I laughed picturing him being annoyed.

"Come on let's go. I am closing." The room went black and we exited. Aiden grabbed my hand pulling me across the road. We stopped at the end of the road where you could see the beach. The sun setting on the horizon. It looked breathtaking. I've seen it a million times, but it never gets old. The colors mixing together making it even more beautiful.


"I know I am." He ruined the moment. Alright let's go.

"Conceited much." I said to him as I turned around to leave.

He pulled me around making me hit his chest hard.

"Do you want to go to the movies?" He suddenly asked.

"Is this a date?" I asked.

"Well...yeah." He looked away feeling embarrassed.

"Hmmm....I'll have a lot to do." I sais with a straight face.

"Well that's fine I'll just move to some other day or maybe just watch one at your place. I am sure there are not any good ones on today. We didn't have to watch a scar-"

I kissed him in attempt to shut him up. Ranting is my thing when I am nervous. He is nervous. I can't remember him asking me on a date. He would basically just come over and hangout, but those are not dates.

"I am kidding, I would love to." I pulled away from his warm lips. He walked hand in hand to the car. He insisted on driving. I was scared he would crash it. It's a very expensive car,okay.



I am probably going to be finished with this story at like Part 40 or around there......;_;

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