12. No one knows

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This part is still the same day but in Aiden's pov. Enjoy. Stay Beautiful and fangirl on ~~Fangirling Girl


Aiden's POV

I slept in Amily's couch. I didn't see the reason to go home at 1 in the morning. I also did not want to leave Amily all by herself while she was drunk. I don't even think she will remember that I was even here.

She will still think I am a selfless jerk for what I did. I ignored her. She was right all she said. I didn't know her and I had already concluded stuff about her. I deserved it. I also lied to her. Such a good friend. I don't even think we were friends. Well if we were I doubt we still are.

She did not deserved this at all. I went into her room one last time to check on her. She was still sleeping. She looked really beautiful just sleeping there. I looked at her one last time and than I closed the door and left. Molly came up to me. I petted her and gave her some food.

I got on my motorcycle and went to meet,Evan. I drove until I got to the end of the city. I looked on my phone checking if this was the right place. It was a old warehouse.

I went into the warehouse. There was nothing here but old mats. I looked around. The walls were terrible. They were falling apart. This is the place Evan wanted me to meet him yet he is not here. Whatever he wants to tell me better be good. I spent my day, yesterday, texting him. I ignored Amily completely just for him this better be good.

"Evan!" I screamed as he came through the door. Evan is the type of guy that never gets here on time. Leaves the last minute for everything. I notice him from his black hair. He is buff and would probably knock someone out in a heartbeat. He is only 3 years older than me.

"Aiden! My boy. You made it." He said being cool about all of this. I tried not to look mad. How could I not be when I ruined everything with Amily just because of his fault.

"Don't give me that crap,Evan." He gave me a look. I really didn't care how he looked at me. I was mad. He is the one who is late.

He came closer to me standing in front of me. He was only a few inches taller than me. He looked down at me. "Don't push it,boy!" He poked me in the chest. "You have some fights coming up."

"Who?" I asked. I stared at him waiting for his answer.

"A couple of guys only 3. I promise no more." It better be. I can't come home with bruises everyday.

"How much will you be paying me?" I questioned him.

"Depends on how well you do."

"Fine, I will do it." I shook his hand and liked that I agreed to fight. I didn't know the guys so it was just a big surprise if they were good or bad.

"See you around. I'll text you the times and days." I just nodded.

Evan is my boss. You could call it that. He only tells me the time of the fights and the days. That's all. I do the get in shape and train myself. Also fight my opponent.

I have been street fighting since I was a freshmen. I mainly do it for the money. We need it sometimes. My parents sometimes don't be get paid well. Lizz works now but we still need more money. They don't know how I get the money and it is best that they don't. Cutting others people's grass and giving out food on rich parties don't really give you much. At least that job covers for being late sometimes when I have to fight.

I don't really like this bad boy image. I absolutely hate it. Yeah, it attracts girls but I don't even like none of them. I lost Amily. I don't even want her to know that I fight. I don't want anyone too. Although some people do but I don't care.

My phone ringed singling I had a message.

Evan: Tonight 9 p.m

You have got to be kidding me. I put my. Phone back in my pocket.

I the phone ringed again. That better not be him again. I got the phone out of my pocket.

Lizz:Can you bring me something to eat. I am starving,Please!

I replied a quick sure and left to McDonald's.


I swinging at the guy in front of me. He dodged it and threw a punch at me. I caught him of guard and punched him right in the stomach. He fell backwards. I took the chance to punch him one last time in the chin. The guy just laid there unconscious. I wiped off the blood on my mouth.

People around us started backing off. The crowd made way for me as I walked to my motorcycle. They were probably scared of me. I just beat up a guy twice my size. I didn't know him but I don't know anybody I fight.

People were already gone. They only come to see the fight. I hopped on my motorcycle. I checked to make sure I had the money.

I pulled up to the house. The lights were out. I pulled out my keys not even bothering if I woke anybody up. I went straight to my room. I laid on the bed carefully and lifted up my shirt. There was a huge bruise. I touched it and I winced in pain. I reminded me of the day when I met Amily. I did the same thing.

I saw her today working when she should of been at home. Her hand was still bandaged. I tried my best not to burst and tell her I was there last night. That I had seen her scars. That I knew she cut. It made me mad that the cause of it was mainly her parents.

I went to sleep thinking of her. The girl who hides everything so people won't see she is weak but she is breaking. Slowly.




Thanks for reading!! Love ya Stay Beautiful and fangirl on:) ~~Fangirling Girl

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