45. Snowy

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HeyHiHello!! Well would you look at that, I updated....lol

I am gonna end it soon so....yeah:/

maybe at 50 chapters I will.



I shook her softly. Her eyes were a bit puffy from crying. Its been three days since the news and I can't get her to eat or talk barely. She's gone into this state that I can't pull her out of it! She's closed everyone out even me. I've tried to talk to her million of times. She barely touches her food or comes out of the room.

"Amily, love." She turns around to the other side. Her back facing me. I run my hands through my hair. I then realise I need a hair cut.

"Amily, I made dinner. I need you to eat. I am worried sick." She gets up from the bed. I place the food in front of her and she looks at it, but doesn't touch it.

"Amily? Talk to me." I kiss her forehead. She eyes me, but then gazes her eyes back at the wall.

"I love you, you know that right." She doesn't even nod. She places the food on the bedside table after eating a few bites.

It's like she thinks this doesn't affect me either. It's heartbreaking to hear that kind of news. Not knowing if it was going to be a girl or boy. I don't notice I was crying till I feel her hand wiping the tear off my face. I hold it there. It has been long time, ever since she  touched my face like that.

"Aiden?" I turn to look at her. It's been a while since I've heard that sweet voice and I smile.

"Yeah?" I say back. Her hand strokes my hair.

"I am sorry." She says. I take her hand in my hands and kiss her knuckles.

"Don't be. I love you with kids or no kids. We can try again and if we can't then we can adopt." She threw her arms around me and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"I love you so much." She said while hugging me.

Amily is back.

"I missed hearing your voice and you saying that." I say honestly. She smiles and finally kisses me on the lips. I couldn't help but kiss her more. My body hovered over hers as I kissed her. She kissed me back like if this was the last time. We pulled away breathless. My phone rings in my pocket.

"I need to go." I say and she nods.


"Thanks for coming again, Aiden." Tyler said for the tenth time.

"It was no big deal." I closed the trunk of the his car. He nodded and handed me some money.

"You don't have to pay me." I tried to hand him back the money, but he refused.

"So how's Amily?" He changed the subject.

"She's fine now. Take the money, Tyler." I tried again, but he kept walking backwards.

"It's the least I can do." He says. I nod and put the money in my pocket.

"I'll see you later. Tell Lizz I said hey." I wave as he leaves. I get in my car ready to head home.

My ringtone plays and I smile, knowing who it is.

"Hey, beautiful." I put the key into the ignition and turn it.

"Hello...haha. I need you to like go to the store and get me some things. I'll text you the list."

"Okay that's fine...bye."

"I love you!"

"I love you!" I say before hanging up.


The cashier eyed me a he saw me buy a lot of girly things for Amily. It's not my fault she needs all this stuff.

"Have a good day." He said as he handed me my change.

"Don't tell me what to do." I said in a whisper. I pushed the buggy up to the car and placed the bags in the car. While doing that I managed to drop a lot of stuff. This is why I don't do the grocery shopping.

I go place the buggy up and catch a glimpse of a sign.

"Shiz Tzu puppies for sale."

That's what I can do with Tyler's money.

I go up to the lady and she smiles at me. There's three of them playing around and one on the far corner just sleeping.

"Would you like one?" She asks. I nod and pick the one in the corner. I hand her the money. It starts licking my hand. It tickled a bit.

"Who's it for?"

"My wife." She smiles.

I place the puppy down on the passenger's seat. It doesn't stay still as we drive home. It kept trying to see out the window, but it was too small.

I pull up to the house and grab the puppy.

"Amily!" I call out.

"Aiden! You scared me!" She comes out of the kitchen.

"I got you someone to keep you company." She looked down at the puppy in awh.

"Omg! It's so cute! Look at her white fur. It's so pretty. What are we going to name her?" I hadn't thought about that. I scratched the back of my neck.

"How about snowy?"

"Do you like that name? Snowy?" The puppy licked her face and barked.


You got some Amily and Aiden action....lol

*Awkward C.* over and out

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