28. Hello again

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I am going Camping-_-

well here is the new part:)

Stay Beautiful and Don't forget to be Awesome!!~~C.>

Amily's POV


That's was the first thing that popped into my head. I had not met him before nor talked to him. Yet I knew his name. It was a bit strange. I said yes to his offer, but yet when some other guy asked me I denied quickly. Was I going crazy? It just seemed right to say yes.

"Amily!" Tyler came in disturbing my thoughts. Tyler worked part time here and with his girlfriend, Lizz. She was so sweet. At first I was a bit startled that be had a girlfriend. She's not even rich, but I didn't care as much as his parents did. I met Tyler one day in one of those balls, which I hate.

"Hey, I am leaving now. Have a nice day and tell Lizz I said hi." I said grabbing my stuff. I waited outside for Aiden, well I hope that's his name. I played around with my bracelets.

"Hey." I looked up and saw "Aiden" standing in front of me.

"Umm...hey." I couldn't keep my eyes off of his. Eyes full of secrets and pain.

"Where would you like to go?" He asked giving me space to get up.

"Wherever." He nodded. I picked up my stuff and began walking not knowing where to go.

"Ummm..Amily? It's the other way." I face palmed myself. He just laughed at me.

"How you know my name?" I asked. I don't recall telling him my name.

"Kyle told me." He sounded a bit startled by my question.

"Oh. Okay. Wait, so your that guy who came in my room when I was in the hospital." I said smiling think it was funny.

"Yeah that was me." He said.

We kept walking till we reached a little diner at the edge of the city. It was a really pretty place. Flowers and some other plants surrounding the place painted blue. It had that beach theme. I had come here a couple of times.

"Thanks." He opened the door for me. The inside was as pretty as the outside.

We sat at a table close to a window overlooking the beach. I was having lunch with a guy I have never met nor heard about. He could be a serial killer or a pedophile for all I know.

"This may sound creepy and all. Just know that I am not a stalker or a creeper, but is your name Aiden?" I looked down not wanting to meet his eyes. Nice move, Amily now he is sure not to ask you for lunch anymore. Wait why would I want to have lunch with him again.

"It's okay. It's quite funny. My name is Aiden by the way." He said smirking at me. I made myself sound like some kind of stacker.

"Aiden?" I turned around at the sound of his name. Aiden's eyes went widen. It must of really caught him off guard. The guy dressed in black and covered in tattoos goes up to Aiden. This really made me uncomfortable. These are the kind of people my mom tells me to stay away from.

"Evan." Aiden says through his teeth.

thanks for reading!


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