27. Win her back

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Hey, sorry I didn't update yesterday which was Saturday.

Yeah well I been busy more like writersblock!

If It means a lot to you

-A day to remember

(song listening while writing)

A quite beautiful song you should listen to:)

Well here is part 27!!!


Aiden's POV

*1 year later*

I could feel the cold air around me. I had a massive, killer headache. I flipped over and now was on my back facing the sun. My eyes shut back up. I took in my surroundings. The backyard of my house. I didn't even make it to the door.

I slowly got up. It only made my headache worst. I made it to the door and opened it slowly, making sure not to make noise.

"Where have you been?!" My mom asked, so much for being quiet. Her hands where on her hips waiting for my responds.

"Out." I said and left the kitchen.

"Aiden, you can't be doing this to yourself." My mom came behind me, before I could open the door to my room.

"I'll do whatever it takes me to forget her!" I screamed and went in my room.

I began to take my cloth off and take a shower.

It's been 12 months since I last saw her. She was put in a private school. She had new friends. She changed, her parents changed her. There was no way she would be the same.

Her parents had put her in a private school! They wanted me to have to nothing to do with her life.

I got out of the shower seeing I had been in there for half hour.

When Lizz told me she knew who the basterd who shoot Amily was, it made my blood boil. She knew him,met him, had a relationship with him. That was the worst part of all of it. She said she was with Tyler , but she was with that basterd. His name is Ryan. She ended up telling everything about him and that he had a wife. Rose Ricker, Amily's sister. She's dead though. Could he have done anything to her...like he did to Amily?

I sat on the corner of my bed, running my hands through my hair. I am basically dead to the world. I don't even see the point of waking up if I am not going to see her. Schools over I could be in college, but I can't even get myself together.

There was a knock on my door. I ignored it.

"Aiden I know your in there. Open up." Lizz said from the other side of the door. If I couldn't reach it, I didn't give any effort.

"It's open." I said falling on my bed.

She came it. I looked at her, she gave me a small smile and sat on my bed.

"My mom told me to come and talk to you."

"Well you're wasting your time." I snapped.

"Please stop. It's hard to talk to you if you're pushing me away. What if Amily was here, she wouldn't want to see you like this. I-"

"That's the point she's not here!" I cut her off.

"Sorry." She apologized. I hate that stupid word. Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! That's all they say. Sorry for what? My pain? My heart being broken? For not having the girl I love with me?

"There's more of the story about Ryan." She said leaning against the bed board. She looked nervous. It felt like by the end of this I was going to be mad.

"Go on than." I said calmly. I leaned on my bed board too facing the wall.

"Ryan killed Rose. He didn't really killed her. She committed suicide, but it was Ryans fault. He was not the perfect husband. He would beat her and she would go to Amily's room every night. I was in a relationship with him and he beat me one night." She sighed. A tear went down her face. I wiped it off. She didn't tell me, I looked away feeling disappointment.

"I went to see Amily. I knew she would know what to do. Her balcony door was open, but I didn't have the strength to open it. I ended up knocking. She saw me and opened the door and I fell into her arms unconscious. That was the night she called you at 3 in the morning. I left before you could come. She begged me not to go back to Ryan. I didn't go to him, I went with Tyler. I kept her up all night. So by the time you got there she would of not been able to wake up. It was my fault she got shoot. She wouldn't have gone to walk and seen you." She covered her face with her hands.

"I am really mad. You hide this from me! He beat you and you didn't tell me! I am your brother!"

"Aiden please calm down. I knew you would react like this."

"He killed her sister and he shot Amily! He beat you and you didn't tell me!" I was pacing back and forth.

"I didn't know how you would have reacted. I finally told you and yet you acted just like said." I began to calm down a bit.

"How did you want me to act?"

Her phone began ringing playing Savior by Rise Against.

"That was Tyler, I have to go." With that she left. Leaving me there alone again.

I got my jacket from my bed and headed out. Not going to come back till tomorrow.

I decided to walk downtown. Amily didn't work at the bookstore from what I have heard. It wouldn't hurt to go in and look around.

The door made a noise signaling that someone has come in. There was no one at the cashier. This place was now run by some old lady. Her was Lizz or lily, I didn't really know. I didn't care either, other than that everything was still the same.

My eyes landed on a blue book with a black and white looking clouds. The fault in our stars by John Green. I used to barely read, but I have been finding it enjoyable. Evan said I was turning into a sissy. I could care less. Amily would enjoy these kind of books. It was wrong of me to be think of her. Thinking of the stuff she would do or say. I could hear her now say that she loved this book. It seemed all real.

"It's sad at the end, but overall it is worth reading." My eyes widened. She was actually here. Talking to me. I looked at her, eyeing her up and down. She seemed different it was maybe her hair. She still wore band shirts and ripped jeans.

"I'll take it." She smiled at me, than walking to the cash register. It hurt to see her not remembering me. I paid and was about to walk out the door when I got the best idea ever. I was going to win her back.

"Would you like to have lunch with me?" I yelled at her. She looked a bit startled. A smile started to form on her face.

"Meet me in 30 minutes." She yelled back. I gave her a thumbs up and finally closed the door.


(no bad words intended)

Well how was it?!?! Comment,Vote, tell me what you think so far!

Your Awesome!! Thanks for the comments so leave me:)


NO SCHOOL TOMORROW So update maybe? Idk

Thunder Buddy? Nope. okay. okay. *cries* TFIOS Feels!!! Ahhhh!

Stay Beautiful And Fangirl on! Stay Strong!~~C.

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