Void Stiles

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Plot idea was given by @its_so_skye.


You were running for your life, literally. You were sweaty and nervous, there was blood on your clothes. keep breathing, keep breathing.

He was after you, you were pretty sure. You were trapped and you could no longer run.

"why are you doing this?" You asked. It hurt to speak.

"come out come out wherever you are." He said. His voice was husky and there was a certain pleasure in it.

You tried not to make a sound. But your breathing was hard to control, you were scared and you were pretty sure there was no one way you were making it out alive.

He went around in circles trying to find you. You wanted to cry but you couldn't, you wanted scream and beg for your life, but you couldn't do that either. You were powerless and it made you feel sick to your stomach.

By now you were pretty sure he knew where you were, you spoke and there was no way he couldn't figure out by following the sound of your voice. He was just playing you, ready to attack at any minute. Making you feel powerless, giving you the tiny bit of hope. You were his prey.

"You little bitch" He said and caught you.

You wanted to scream but felt powerless, as much as you tried, no words came out. You felt weak, like your whole body was shutting down. He wanted your attention, to see you die but your eyes closed before he could take that pleasure.


"Stiles? oh my god, where are you?"

"I... I need your help. I did something," His voice was breaking. "Who are you with?"

"I'm with Isaac, why, what happened?"

"I need you to... I need you to give her the bite."

"Give the bite to who?" Scott asked. He was looking at Isaac, who was listening to the talk.

Stiles gave him the address, where he was going to be able to find her. He looked in the mirror and the face that looked back at him was disturbing, it made him feel scared. Scared for his own life but mostly, frightened for the life of those around him. He had no idea if she was dead but the chances that she was, were extremely high. He just wanted, he needed Scott to save her.

It didn't took long before Isaac and Scott found her. She was lying on the floor, completely covered in blood. There seemed to be no movement at all. Her eyes were opened and she seemed to be starting nowhere.

"Is she...?" Isaac asked.

They got closer and when Scott touched her, she began to choke on her own blood.

"She's alive." He said. "But not for long."

"Do you think it's going to work?"

She cried and Scott wasn't sure she would handle the transition. He would end up killing her. But if he did nothing she would die as well.

"I will do it."

"Are you sure?"

She was moaning in pain, she didn't had much time left. There was no time for theories or to think of every possible case scenario, he had to do it. But mostly, he also felt as if she died, the guilt Stiles would carry with him would be unbelievably huge or so he thought. And he couldn't let his best friend deal with it. If he had a say in it, he was going to help.

Y/N felt an agonizing pain right in the place Scott had bit her and he felt scared, maybe he hadn't done it right and she was going to die anyway.

"How long till it happens?" Isaac asked. They had gone through this before, but neither of them had been nearly dying when they got bitten.

Scott decided it was best to take her to the vet clinic. Deaton could help and make sure she was healing properly.

"Where's Stiles?" Deaton asked.

"He didn't told me. He only told me where she was."

"Well, she was heavily wounded, I could even dare to say she was tortured from the looks of it. But mostly psychologically but she will heal. It will take a while though. I will take care of her during the night and make sure she survives."

Scott didn't knew what to say. Tortured, that's what Deaton had said. He knew Stiles was possessed and they were trying hard to safe him too. But till then, how many lives was he going to take?

The following day, Deaton reported to them the state of Y/N, she was still healing but she was going to be okay. She would need Scott guidance but besides that, no other harm had been caused, she survived that's what mattered to Scott.

He tried to inform Stiles, but he was nowhere to be found and no way to reach out to him. For now, there was nothing else Scott could do.

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