Isaac Lahey

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Imagine for bettyjoe133


The war against the alphas was getting bigger and bigger and they all needed a plan, posting that they all gather around in Derek's apartment to set things and come up with a plan to fight against the Alpha pack. Scott, Allison, Stiles, Lydia, Cora, Derek, Peter, Isaac and his girlfriend Brandy, they were all there. 

Isaac took a long time to finally meet the right girl, he found someone who truly understands everything and they are simply made for each other. Isaac is quite scared to lose her so he always wants to make sure she knows how much he loves her. 

Derek's Apartment

You were sit in the stairs watching them all around the table discussing several plans in order to fight the Alphas, it wasn't something easy to do but Derek was determined in finding a solution that night. Isaac was paying attention but quickly gets distracted by Brandy. 


You were sit in the stairs watching them all argue and throw ideas to the air about how to fight against the Alpha pack when you notice Isaac looking at you, you smile and he smiles back, you also notice Derek looking at you both and not doing an happy face at all but neither you or Isaac actually cared. 

Derek talks a bit louder as he notices Isaac wasn't really paying attention, at all. For a while he goes back at being concentrated in what Derek was saying but at the same time he couldn't take his eyes off of you. You laugh but at also you really don't want Derek to get mad. 

- ISAAC! Do you mind paying attention? If you care about Brandy so much you should be more concern in actually staying alive. - Derek yells at Isaac who was walking in Brandy direction. 

He steps back going to where he was before.

- Calm down Derek, I'm sorry. - Isaac replies to him.

You become worried, not only because Derek got mad but because of what he said, it was all being good, very good but now with the Alphas thing you couldn't possibly imagine losing Isaac, you weren't a werewolf and you didn't wanted to be one either, you were good staying human, you helped like Stiles, but was good to keep some humans, but just the thought of losing Isaac, Derek didn't had to be so mean, it was like he would certainly die. 

You didn't smiled for the rest of the night, neither any of those who were there. You get up and go near Isaac around the table to actually keep up with the plan and help somehow. 

It gets late so everyone decides to go home, Isaac takes you home, you don't feel like walking in right away and you hug him, you could stay like that forever. 

- I love you, I really love you and I can't afford losing you. - You reply almost crying just by the thought. 

- Derek... he wasn't being serious,  he was just upset! - He replies.

- Exactly, he was upset so he was being serious, he meant what he said. I can't lose you Isaac, he have to kill the Alpha pack no matter what. 

- Don't worry about that love, I love you and I'm here to protect you and I won't get killed. 

He leads you inside the house. 

- Stay with me. Please. - You say looking right into his eyes. 

He kisses you softly on the lips and goes upstairs with you. You dress your pajamas and you borrow him something for him to be able to stay more comfortable. It was a bit cold so you lay under the sheets and he lays next to you, wrapping you in his arms. 

You feel protected and you just want to stay like that forever. You fall asleep with Isaac whispering in your ear saying how much he loves you. It was a perfect moment. 

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