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Imagine for OlaniLeonard


- Olani!  - You hear someone calling, you look behind and it was Stiles. 

- Yes? - You turn around asking him.

He smiles big and talks. 

- I need your help in something, I was wondering if you could come over later and help me? 

- Sure! I will be there, text me. - You reply turning around again.

You notice that Isaac was looking to you while you talked with Stiles. You all were having a couple hard weeks, you and Stiles were friends since ever, you could pretty much say he and Scott were your bestfriends but things changed a little when Isaac appeared, it's like you fell in love with him the very first minute you saw him, but sadly Scott or Stiles didn't seemed that happy with that, they thought Isaac was a bad person, but lately he has proven otherwise and Scott seemed to like him a lot now. 

You could notice that Isaac felt something about you too, you just couldn't tell very well if he loved you just like you love him. School ends and you go home when you receive a text from Stiles saying you could show up, you decide to get home first and change those clothes and then you go to his house. 

Stiles house

His father wasn't home so you too were alone, he leads you to his bedroom and you see some open books on the desk so you guess he needs help in some school subjects. 

- Are you hungry? thinking about grabbing some food. -  He asks you while you sit.

- Sure! - You reply to him smiling and grabbing the books on the desk. 

He returns after a bit with some sandwhiches  and hot chocolate and leaves it in the table. You look to him a bit shocked after taking a look to the books, they weren't books from school, it was about something else, it was about werewolves. 

- Why do you have this books here? - You ask him wondering if something happened and you were missing out. 

- I just thought we needed more information, there's so much we don't know yet you know what I mean? Sure we have Scott's boss who helps everytime because he knows a lot but I think we should also be prepared. 

- I guess... But in what did you needed help? 

- It was actually in something from school - He says grabbing a book - But also about you and Isaac

You grab the book and explain to him, not that you were an expert but you were able to understand better that particular case. After explaining it to Stiles and make sure he understood it you ask him about what he wants to talk about Isaac. 

- You know I have been thinking about this quite a lot but never thought in actually say something, but I just can't hold it anymore, I need to say something, at least let you know! You are my bestfriend since ever and I know you love Isaac and even though... - He stopped for a bit and now you were both really close to each other and you were looking deep into his eyes and trying to make him feel ok with whatever he was going to say. - Even though I love you... And not only in a friend, bestfriend way, I really love you Olani and I want the best for you, I may have not become happy knowing you love Isaac but time passed and I just want the best for you and that's why I'm telling you that I'm pretty sure Isaac loves you too so go for it. 

You weren't expecting to hear that at all, you were so happy to know that Isaac may actually feel the same you do for him but at the same time, you and Stiles were friends for so long and knowing he loves you, you just wanted to be able to give him the same feelings, you love him indeed but like a brother not a lover, you hug him tight, you just want to make sure he knows you will always be there. 

Your will was to run and meet Isaac and tell him how much you love him but you wouldn't do that to Stiles at all, so you stay and you decide to have a movie night since his father wasn't home, Stiles orders some pizza and you stay there until late, luckly it was the weekend on the next day, meaning no school, no need to get up early. He offers to take you home since it's quite late but you decide there's no need to. 

The walk home went just fine, you thought about how nice it was to be with Stiles, you too got along so well and you were glad to have someone like him in your life, also you couldn't stop thinking about what he said, the fact he loves you and the fact Isaac might love you too, you get home safe and try to fall asleep even though he didn't worked that well. 

You didn't saw Isaac all weekend so you were waiting until Monday to see him at school, there was literally nothing else in your mind besides him and Stiles, you were still trying to find a way to not hurt Stiles at all. 

Monday finally comes and when you get to school you see Isaac right away, he smiles seeing you getting closer and you ask him if he could meet you later after school and he agrees. You had no idea what you were thinking in having to wait an entire day at school without talking to him about it, but somehow it was actually quick. 

You meet him outside school and you couldn't wait anymore so you just shout it at him. 

- I LOVE YOU! - He stays with a shock expression and doesn't replies right away and you regret saying it that way. - I'm sorry... - You add and he holds your hands looking deep into your eyes making you feel chills all over your body.

- Don't say sorry, I must say i wasn't expecting to hear it like that, but I'm glad I did because I love you too.

You felt like you have died and had gone to heaven, hearing those words coming from his mouth sounded even better than you ever imagined, he holds you and he kisses you and it was worth the wait because it was perfect and you just felt like there was nothing that could possibly top that moment. 

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