Isaac Lahey

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Imagine for LaurenWilliams189


Nothing could be better than a fresh start! And you were about to have yours in Beacon Hills, you were excited but also a bit scared, it was a different place and you didn't knew anyone yet but lucky that would eventually change. You were living alone in a small house just to get started, you got a job in some local bookstore. 

The day arrives and you get up ready for your first day of work, you couldn't be more excited! Beacon Hills seemed such a lovely place, actually perfect. 

You got home a bit tired but completely wonder with everything, the people, absolutely everything. 
Another day and you get ready to go to work again. It was all working great when suddenly this gorgeous young man walks in, he doesn't say a word, he just goes straight to the back of the store, in there it had some seats to just relax and do some reading, it wasn't used that much as you were told, in fact you had no idea people actually knew that that was there. 

You aren't sure if you should talk  to him or not, maybe he needed help and that was your job, you needed to make sure everything was ok and he was satisfy but still you decide to wait a little bit and see how long he takes there. 

At this moment you are alone in the store with him, well you couldn't see him from where you are but still, he takes so long that you finally get the courage to go and talk to him. The back of the store seemed really nice, it had some cute little seats and a great view, it was like apart from the actual store and it his own bookshelf to give people something to read and being able to relax, also it had a vending machine in case people got hungry or something. It seemed such a lovely place that you actually doubt why was he the only one in there, it was only your second day but still everyone seemed to get in, buy something or just look but never stay inside more than 20 minutes or half an hour much less go to that side of the store, except for that young man, he didn't said a thing and went straight to the place so he is probably used to it. 

- HI! My name is Lauren, in case you need something let me know. - He doesn't seems to react at all so you decide to walk away. 

- I'm Isaac. - You were on your way out when you hear him saying his name. 

- Well nice to meet you Isaac, is there anything I can do for you? - You were trying to do your job but you get lost in his eyes and you don't even notice that you were staring. 

- You gave gorgeous eyes. - He says and you immediately blush.

 - Oh - You say trying to look away. - I can say the same about yours. - Do you need anything? - You ask him trying to avoid what that talk could bring as you couldn't blush even more.

- Well I need company, do you mind? - He says reaching his hand to the other seat.

- I need to look after the store. - You hesitate 

- You are helping a client, please sit. - He replies.

You were already flushed so a bit more wouldn't make no harm as he had already seen it and so you do it, the store was empty anyway and if someone got there you could hear them and quickly see if they need anything, plus your colleague would be better in a few minutes, you had time. 

- Are you nervous? - He asks.

- Is it that easy to tell? - You ask releasing a soft laugh trying to cover it a bit. 

- I have my ways to see. Don't worry. 

You were about to say something when you hear someone calling for you from the other side of the store.

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