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Imagine for ladyjaye96


You started dating Derek A month ago but Things haven't been going that great, you have been having a hard time to fully be able to understand him, you know all of his life story and still you feel like Something is missing and he doesn't let you in. You know that maybe it's too soon since you have only been dating for a month now but You do know him for a much longer time and in fact both went through a long way until he decided he was ready to date you and at first everything was going fine and he seemed to be ready but Lately things have been a bit more complicated and you have no idea what to do as you have tried everything so It leaves you no choice but to ask the pack for help, maybe Stiles or Scott could help you somehow.
You decide to meet with Scott first and Stiles would join later, you go to his house which is nearly always empty so It was a good place to talk.

- Hey Janice! Come in. - Scott says.

- Hi Scott. I'm so sorry to bother you with this but I feel like I have no more options, I thought it would be easier now that we are dating and after all we gone through but Actually seems harder.

- Sit. Stiles Will be here in a minute. - Scott says and prepares some coffee. - You know how Derek Is, you have been around and you have seen all that has happened to him so it's hard to figure him out you know but I'm sure he knows that you have been always there for him even though he doesn't seems to let anyone in that easily.

Meanwhile as you were about to answer Scott, Stiles comes in.

- it's really amazing how easy to get inside of this house. -Stiles says being is usual self.

He salutes you and sits as Scott hands him the coffee.

- So about Derek anh? What has the grumpy cat done this time? - Stiles asks you.

- Well everything seemed to be fine but Lately seems like he shut down again, do you know anything about that? - you reply.

- Who? me? why should I? - Stiles replies covering his hair with his hand and drinking the coffee. - Maybe it has something to do with...

- Stiles! - Scott stops him.

- Something to do with what? guys don't hide anything from me. You know How important it is.

- Well Janice, here's the thing, Kate Is back. - Stiles tells you as Scott looks at him with judgement in his eyes. - what, don't look at me like that, she needs to know if she wants to help Derek And help us.

- What? and what were you waiting for to tell me something like this, especially what happened last time Kate Was around. So it explains why he's being distant.

- I'm sorry Janice, but At first it didn't seemed that much of a trouble you know.

- Maybe we can talk to Peter. - Scott says and suddenly Stiles gets his head up.

- Seriously Scott, seriously?!

- What? he knows Derek. And he knows Kate.

A phone rings and it's Stiles phone. He grabs it and reads the text.

- It's Lydia. - He says passing his hand through his mouth. - Ifound a body.

- What? What does she means? Call her. - Scott says.

- Oh great, I bet it has something to do with Kate And you didn't wanted to tell me. - You tell to Scott and he notices you got mad. - I should probably go meet Derek.

You leave to go meet Derek And Scott and Stiles leave too to meet Lydia.
You get there and Derek Is no where to be found, but You do find Peter.

- Oh hello Janice, came to visit me? - Peter says in his joking way and you roll your eyes.

- You know more than well that I Came for Derek, now where is he?

- Why don't you call him? maybe it's easier.

- Thanks for nothing Peter. - You reply and go away and you decide to call Derek.
It rings for a few times until he picks up.

- Hey Janice, are you okay?

- Well I am, what about you?

- I'm fine, do you need anything?

- I need to talk to you if that's ok.

He tells you to meet him near the school and you go there.
You see him and you kiss him and he kisses you back and you notice he seemed different.

- So, I know Kate Is back. - You tell him and he answers only with a yesShe is. - so want to talk about that? He starts to walk towards the car and you grab his arm to stop him and he looks at you.

- Janice... - He says in a low voice.

- I know ok? I understand everything and I've been here for you for so long, whatever it happens don't worry, we always figure it out, the pack always does and you don't have to be alone to do so, I know about Kate And you don't need to push me away, after so long Derek, you can trust me.

- I'm sorry Janice but It's hard not to doubt about everything and everyone. I'm really glad to have you in my life and my sorry. I love you. - He says and you stop grabbing his arm as he pushes you more against him and hugs you and kisses you.

- I love you too Derek. Now let's go kill a bitch.

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