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Imagine for StarCityAnthem 


You have been best friend's with Danny for quite a long time by now and lately he had been helping you figuring out how to get Isaac's attention but with the recent arrive of the twins to school you aren't sure anymore of your feelings for Isaac. 

- Roman! Roman! - You don't seem to hear. - Roman! - Someone screams so loud this time that you  immediately look around and you can't help but get surprise to see that it's Ethan!

- Hey Ethan! So much people, I couldn't hear you.

- Yeah, I've noticed that, so hey listen up, I know Danny's your best friend so  I wonder if you could help me with something. 

- Yeah sure, what is it Ethan? - You ask but you can't help to feel a bit sad, as usual of course he had to like Danny. 

- So, I'm not really used to this, but you have been really nice to me and I think you could help me to get closer to Danny. 

- What do you mean with closer? 

- Oh Roman, you know... 

Meanwhile Danny approaches so you decide to leave the two of them together and Danny stays wondering why you left so fast.

Later on you are already at home when you receive a text from Danny asking if you could hang out because he needed to talk to you about something, even though you didn't really felt like it after finding out your well, new crush has a crush on your best friend, you end up texting him back saying yes. In a few minutes you already by Danny's house waiting out for him. 

- Hey Roman! - You just wave at him. - so today when you left all of the sudden, I had time to actually talk with Ethan and all and I think he would be great for you! - Suddenly you stop the car and you just stare at Danny without understanding what he was saying. - Roman, what's wrong? Did I said something wrong? Is it because of Isaac? 

- No Danny, not at all. It's just, I thought Ethan was into you? I don't really understand, all that talk, I, I thought he liked you.

- Yeah, well thing is I don't like him, to be honest with you, I've started to like Isaac. Roman I'm so sorry, for real, but talking to him and all about you, trying, it just happened.

- Well guess that then you wouldn't mind If I said that I crushed on Ethan... 

- I don't mind Roman and again I'm sorry, that's why I set you up on a date with Ethan. And it's tonight. 

- You got to be kidding me Danny! A little heads up would have been nice what the hell!

- Roman, don't pretend like you don't enjoy it! now get the car working and let's go, he's waiting. 

You were about to start the car again but then you remembered - Wait, what about you Danny? 

- Well is it too bad if I say it's a double date? - Danny shrinks a little bit in the seat afraid of your reaction. 

You don't even reply and just drive to where he leads. You get to this bar and you go inside and both meet Ethan and Isaac sit in some table. The night goes by fast and you have a wonderful time, although it was a double date and you were supposed to be Ethan's date, you ended up talking way more to Isaac during the whole time. You go home a bit disappointed and you can see Danny feels the same about Isaac but you don't mention anything. 

You were trying to sleep when you get a text from Ethan "meet me outside" 

At first you wonder where, was he really outside your house? did he got the text wrong, so you decide to look outside through your window, and there he was, Ethan looking right at you. You put some clothes on really quick and you go outside, trying not to make too much noise. 

- Roman! 

- Hey Ethan! So what's up?

- I'm sorry to show up like this, but I wanted to apologize for tonight and I guess I misread the signs from Danny and tonight I should have treated you better and give you more attention. 

- Ethan it's ok, you don't really have to explain it to me, I get it. - You say and you start to go away.

- No, Roman, wait, what I mean is, I want to give us a chance, what do you say about that? 

- Are you serious? What about Danny?

- Well, he's not into me and I know you are, and I guess it's really easy to get into you as well. 

- Ethan, I just really feel like kissing you right now.

- Well then do it.

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