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Imagine for ShowerssThatRBritish


- Stiles! Stiles! STILES! 

- Jesus, what, what is it? 

- Do you know what time is it? We have to go. 

- Go where Deria? 

- Don't tell me you forgot, we were supposed to go and help Derek rearrange his house.

- Oh, yes, totally forgot about that. 

Finally Stiles gets ready and both go to Derek's apartment, the rest of the group was already there, Allison, Lydia, Scott, Kira, Malia and Isaac. You look around and then to Derek who doesn't really seems like it's about helping him in the house so you decide to ask and all he does is stare at you and looking around to find Scott, so you decide to ask again and this time you look to Stiles who seemed just in much doubt as you. 

- So when do we start? - You say in hope that you would get some information but no one talks until Lydia decides to step up and nearly scream for someone to speak. 

- Well, If no one says a thing, I will. - Isaac says and everyone looks at him, including Derek with a threatening look. - There's a new threat in town and they seem to want to go after you, after you Deria.

You stop for a second not even thinking at all, Stiles looks immediately to you and you can see so much fear in his eyes and all you can hear is him making questions and more questions, freaking out while you just stand there with a complete empty space in your mind as you couldn't figure out what to actually think from it, between talks you hear someone say "they want your girlfriend Stiles, they want her to become a werewolf or god knows what else". At first you can't seem to know who said it until you realize it was Derek and all of it seems to make no sense, you were just Stiles girlfriend, he wasn't even part of the supernatural, except for the detail of the nogitsune, but you were all passed that and now someone wanted to make you turn and the worse, how would Stiles even react to that. You were getting tired of everyone just talking non stop about it that you just scream for everyone to shut up. They all stare at you until Stiles gets closer to you and with one hand he grabs your hand and the other, he places it in your face and slowly says "You don't have to do anything that you don't want to. We got your back" 

Slowly one by one, they all begin to talk again. Scott asks Derek for more information, but all he knows is that he heard that the new threat wanted a human to be turn and it all pointed to Deria, seemed to make sense, with Lydia being  a banshee she wouldn't be the one to be turned, Allison is a hunter, only you and Stiles left but since Stiles was already possessed by a fox, meaning the nogitsune, they wanted a human with no connection to the supernatural so it could only be you. But why, you can't help but wonder.

You go home with Stiles leaving everyone behind and not caring or at least trying not to care more about the fact that they want you to become a werewolf. Stiles asks you to stay at his house for the night, since he's father was going to work and he would only get home way later on and he thought you could use his company after everything. 

- I have no idea what I would do without you. - You say as you snug more into him and he strokes your hair. 

- I couldn't live without you. - He replies still stroking your hair and grabbing one of your hands and kisses it. - I'm so sorry for everything that happened today. 

- Oh Stiles, don't be. It's not your fault. Actually it's not neither of us fault.

- I know, I just wish you weren't caught up in all of this. I love you and I want you to know that no matter what, it's all up to you and only your choice and we are here to support you and I will love you no matter what. 

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