Young Peter

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Imagine for Sharmanbaby14 


You were friends with Derek for a long time until this day he decides to ask you to go have dinner at his house. You were only a year older than him and both met in school, however you had never really gotten a connection with his uncle, Peter. 

You get to his house and you ring the door bell and for your surprise it's Peter who opens the door. You get quite blown away by his beauty and you can't help but blush as he says hi and tells you to come in. You follow him and soon Derek shows up. The whole dinner you are asked questions, either about yourself or even about Derek, while Peter can't seem to take his eyes off of you.  

The following day, Derek goes near you and starts talking about how Peter couldn't shut up for a second ever since he first saw you. At first you aren't quite sure how to react but then you end up confessing to Derek how much you have been also thinking about Peter. Therefore Derek decides to set you two on a date. 

The day comes and you couldn't be more excited about it, Peter goes to pick you up. 

- Hi Peter! You look very elegant. 

- Well Paige, so do you, shall we go?

You nod and he takes you to the car. The evening is amazing and after the dinner and all of that he takes you to this sort of abandoned house.

- Do you come here often? - You ask him.

- I guess we can say yes, I do. 

He slowly gets closer to you and all of the muscles in your body seem to get tense, your breathing also gets more intense, he gets closer until he finally kisses you. The kiss lasts for a little bit as for you seemed like eternity. 

After another date, he decides to ask you to be his girlfriend and of course you say yes. A few days pass and you haven't gone to that house yet until this day that he asks you on a date again and he takes you there. Everything seems different and amazing, there was decoration and all of that, candles, everything seemed perfect. 

- Wait. is it valentines day and I don't remember? - You ask a little bit shy.

- No silly. Just wanted to do something special for you.

You just stare at him and you wait to see where things lead. He asks you to sit and you do while you just keep staring at him watching every move he makes and starting to feel a bit nervous. 

- Don't be nervous. - He says and sits right next to you. 

He starts to get closer and closer until there's barely any space between the two of you. He passes his hand on your hair and kisses you. The kiss takes longer than you were expecting too and soon he grabs you and lays you on the floor. 

You feel his strong body on top of you as he begins to kiss you and his hands trying to take off your clothes. You take deep breaths as you decide to do the same and take his clothes off, soon both are naked and the floor is filled with clothes. 

You moan as he goes inside you and his hands move through all your body. You try to control your breathing but it's being hard when he keeps touching you and moving on top of you. 



You slowly open your eyes and you notice Peter still sleeping with his arms around your waist. You try your best not to wake him up, however it turns out to be impossible as he opens his eyes and smiles timidly to you. 

You have no idea what time it is or how long you were sleeping, you look at Peter and you doubt that he knows either. 

He gets up and gets dressed, as expected all the clothes were still all over the floor, since he's doing it, you end up getting up as well and get dressed. 

You start by cleaning all of it in the house but quickly he stops you and tells you not to worry about it and that it's time to leave. You as he says and both leave the house. As both walk towards the car he suddenly stops and just stares at you. 

- What? - You ask him but he keeps staring and you begin to feel impatient 

- I think I'm in trouble. - He says. 

- What? What do you mean? - You ask him  and you can't help but feel a bit worried. 

"I think I'm falling in love." 

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