Isaac Lahey

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You were walking home alone and it was late, really late, you were a bit scared to be honest because we all know what Beacon Hills hide and lately these days we never know when we will be saved. You try to avoid all the scary thoughts, nothing would harm you, not this night. You keep walking trying to get home as fast as you can when you hear someone calling you.


You try to ignore, but it was just in your head.

"Yara" You hear it again but you keep walking.

All sudden you feel someone grabbing you for behind, holding you by your waist, you almost scream but he puts one hand in your mouth to avoid you from doing it.

"It's me... Isaac. " He whispers in your ear. "I missed you." He adds gently kissing your neck leaving a soft bite.

"Damn it Isaac! You scared me! Don't do it ever again."  You reply leaving his arms and beating him in his chest.

He laughs and says how sorry he is, holding your hand ready to walk you home. Sometimes you just couldn't believe you were dating a werewolf. Things changed so fast, you already liked Isaac before he was a werewolf but the reality was that it was almost impossible to even get closer to him, he accepted no one and he would never believe someone actually liked him, he changed, of course, thanks to Derek to be honest, he was a completely different person now and you were really glad he had finally noticed you. You found out he liked you too before but he was deeply insecure, not that he wasn't anymore, but a lot changed, he was a werewolf now, new life, new person.

"You know you shouldn't appear like that!" You tell him while he involves you in his arms and kisses your forehead.

"I needed to make sure you were ok. Anything can happen."  He replies still holding you.

"Talking about that, how is everything going?"  You ask him.

"Not sure to be honest, so much happening. But let's not talk about that. Can you come with me? Spend the night together... " He asks.

"What do you mean? What about Scott? Isn't he at home?"

"Well, I was thinking about going to Derek's apartment..." 

"Isn't he there either?"

"Not actually, no. He's actual with Peter in his apartment, I think he is only going to return tomorrow or something."

"Well seems a good idea, but I need to go home first".

"Of course." He replies and both keep walking until you get to your house. No one was home.

"Well as I see my house is empty, what if we stay here instead?"  You ask him and he quickly agrees.

You both get inside and go upstairs to your room, you see a note and you remember that your parents were out for the weekend, therefore, you had the house all to yourselves.

"What you feel like doing?" You ask sitting in your bed." Play games, watch tv, some movies..."

"What kind of games?" He does a naughty smile and leans to you slowly kissing you.

"Don't be naughty Isaac!" You smile at him.

You both decide to watch some lame movie and eat some snacks, quickly you start making out. Isaac and his wild werewolf side were amazing.

He involves you in his arms and kisses you wildly, you notice he is getting quite happy, he quickly takes off your T-shirt and your shorts leaving you only in underwear, you take his T-Shirt and his jeans so both are now only in underwear.

You can feel all his weight on top of you while he keeps kissing and his hands explore your body. You waited for that moment for so long. You look deep into his blue eyes and you could see how much he wants you just like he can see how much you want him.

He can hear your heart beat and you dig your hands in his back, you start breathing heavily as he starts taking off your bra and slowly leaves kisses down your body. He was about to rip off your panties when he hears something.

"What is it, Isaac? Why did you stop?" You ask, a bit frustrated because it was just about to start.

"I heard something!" He says looking to the door and quickly getting dressed. - Your parents!

You couldn't believe it! They were supposed to be gone and only return in the begin of the next week. You get dressed quickly and both sit on the bed pretending like you were only watching a movie.

"Maybe I should go downstairs, why aren't they coming here?" You say something was wrong.

Suddenly Isaac gets up and goes downstairs.

"Isaac! " You call him but he only tells you to wait.

You hear some noise downstairs like something broke and you realize right away it wasn't your parents. Was someone else and that person wasn't very happy. You decide to go downstairs too, you couldn't imagine Isaac getting hurt.

You don't recognize any of them. It was a pack of wolves, you grab a few things ready to fight, for Isaac you would do anything!

Isaac was lying on the floor, you approach him and softly kiss him on the lips.

"Please Yara, leave! Call Scott and leave! You shouldn't be here!"  He's able to say.

"This is my house silly, I won't leave and let you stay here. Now can you get up?"  You reply.

With some effort, he is able to get up and you quickly call Scott while Isaac fights. You have no other choice but to fight too, even though you knew you weren't strong enough to handle werewolves you could at least try, maybe your love would be strong enough. You start throwing stuff at them, they were three or four, but only one seemed to be fighting, maybe the ones were waiting for the next.

He doesn't seem to get affected by the stuff you throw at him, he just seems to focus on Isaac. Meanwhile, Scott gets there with Derek and the others start fighting too, it's like they were waiting for it. One of them was quiet just watching as the others fight until he gets really annoyed by you throwing stuff and then it all happened.

You had no idea how things actually went, one minute you were picking everything you could and trying to distract them from Isaac, the other you were lying on the floor bleeding and with a huge bite. After that, they all seemed to be gone. It was just you, Scott, Isaac and Derek now in the house.

You feel like you are about to lose consciousness and Isaac tries to keep you awake, he was crying holding you in his arms.

You wake up again, this time in your bedroom, Derek was standing by the door, Scott was closer to the bed and Isaac was still holding you. You feel much better and as it seemed you were basically healed.

"Am I a werewolf?" You ask.

" Yes." Derek is the only replying.

You couldn't believe it, a few hours ago you were completely human and now you were a werewolf but you were just glad that Isaac was ok, you couldn't handle losing him.

"Well now we can have awesome werewolf sex... " Isaac whispers in your sex and you laugh hitting him in his shoulder!

" I like the idea." You reply still laughing. And he strokes your hair making sure you are really fine.

-"Can't believe I almost lost you."  He says, still whispering and quickly Derek and Scott go downstairs. -"They think we should go to Derek's apartment, at least while your parents are gone, to protect you and teach you."

" Seems good! I'm glad I have you. " You say reaching to his face and kissing him. " I love you, Isaac."

"I love you Yara."


And this is it!! Sorry for taking so long! I really hope you like :)

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