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You were feeling super nervous. You were about to get in class. And it was the one, with Stiles. Yes, you two were friends. How not to when you two were lab partners. You two actually spent quite the time together. However, you always felt nervous. At first, it was pure coincidence  when the teacher made you two be lab partners, but after a few times, you got along so well in it, he became your only lab partner. Somehow that made you even more nervous. 

Stiles was already sit. He looked like his usual self. Not much to add. Also, he looked adorable. You were feeling each time more nervous as you keep walking until you reach your sit. 

"Hey there Michelle." He tells you.

"Hi Stiles." You reply, you chuckle. It was impossible not to. And mostly it was the only thing that you would usually do each time talking to him. 

You were shy, and although he's humorous, sarcastic, all of that, he was shy with you as well. Which could make things really awkward between you two sometimes. 
The class goes by normal, as usual. You do your work, talk once in a while about something else. You had never told Stiles, but you had this bizarre crush on him since ever. Which was probably why you felt so nervous all the time.

"Well, see ya later Michelle." Stiles says as he goes away.

"See ya."

Again, you feel like you wasted a pretty good opportunity. All you needed was a bit more courage, to perhaps, ask him out. Like a date. That could help you, a lot. Something different from all the other times you two have been together. Something without school involved, or lab work. Maybe next time.

You head to your other class. This time, there was no Stiles. It actually goes by fast. Next, you were going to see the lacrosse training. Yet an opportunity to see Stiles. On your way there, you pass by Stiles and Scott. And you notice the way Stiles looks at you. It was different. He actually looks at you from head to toe. After that, you noticed he turned around to face Scott, and then begin to talk about something. However you were too far away now to hear anything.

You get outside, and you join Allison and Lydia. You weren't big fans, as you didn't spent much time with them, but it was nice to catch to be around them.

The training begins and you can't take your eyes off Stiles. He isn't that good at lacrosse, at least not like Scott, and you can't help but laugh sometimes, each time he makes a mistake. Only because he has a funny way of reacting to it. 

Lydia notices how you seem to only be looking at Stiles. 

"You like him, don't you, Michelle?"

"Wait, what?" You turn around to face her. "What do you mean?"

"I can see how you are looking at him. Does he knows?"

There was no point on hididng it. She knew it. So maybe she could help you somehow. So you were going to tell the truth.

"No..." By that, Allison decides to join the conversation as well.

Meanwhile Stiles looks at the benches and he sees you talking with Allison and Lydia. He's happy about it, but also disappointed because you were no longer watching him.

"Pay attention Stilinski." Jackson says after making a move and Stiles completely missed it.

"It's all about being confident really. Stiles is too nice of a person. He won't be an asshole to you if you tell him how you feel, in fact, who knows. He might like you back Michelle and here you are wasting an opportunity." Lydia tells you.

Her words really made you think. Lydia should know, she was Lydia after all. And she was right, Stiles, would never be an idiot, if he didn't shared the same feelings, he would say it in a nice way and he would continue being your friend, so you had nothing to lose. You had this crush for so long, it was time to say something about it. 

Allison agrees with what Lydia said and she tells you she will be there to support you no matter what. 
The training ends, and Stiles looks tired and also disappointed because it didn't went that well for him. You were feeling nervous, but you decide to go near him anyway. Also, you try your best to not look shy and to avoid blushing, which probably was impossible.

"Hey Stiles."

"Oh hey Elle." He replies.

He called me Elle... You could feel your cheeks burning already. He had called you Elle before, but it was rare. Only the closest to you would call you Elle instead of your whole name, and it made you feel special. And the fact that he looked upset and tired, yet, he was really nice to you, gave you more strength, to tell him how you feel.

"So, do you think we can talk?" You ask.

"Yes, of course. Let me just change clothes, meet you outside." He replies and so you wait for him.

He gets near you, and now he looked better. And he smelled really nice. "So what is it Elle?" 

"Can we go somewhere else? A bit away from all this people" You ask him trying to not sound too nervous.

"You are not going to try and kill me, are you?" He asks laughing. But somehow, you could sense that it was actual a fear.

"No silly. I just need to tell you something, why would I want to kill you?" You reply with a smile, trying not to make the conversation too serious. He doesn't replies so you decide to continue. "Well Stiles, I've been wanting to tell you this, for a while now, I have a crush on you." 

He doesn't replies, in fact, he smiles. He looks happy, flattered and relieved. You weren't sure yet, what that could mean. 

"So, are you going to say something about it?" You ask him and you were blushing.

"Oh yes, sorry Elle. I mean, finally!"


"Finally, you say something. It's really awkward, but I've been crushing on you since we started being lab partners, but then we never spoke that much, and we were always so shy. I was hoping you would say something." 

You were thrilled. Not only he was being super nice, but he also felt the same about you. Now you regret not telling him before, but after all, he could have said something as well.
He takes you home. For the first time, you two talk, and it doesn't feels awkward, he no longer looks shy and you are able to control your blushing, and the nervous thing. You were no longer shy friends. 

During that talk, you got to know a lot more about each other, than during all those hours spent together because of school. It was genuine and it felt amazing. Soon as you both get your house, Stiles asks you something. He asks you if you want to be his girlfriend. You obviously say yes. 

You were no longer Stiles lab partner, or his shy friend, you were now Stiles girlfriend.


heey, sorry for taking so long. As you can see, I went back, to when we still had Jackson and Allison. And I hope you like this! 

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