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You and Isaac have been dating for a while now, however it was a secret. For some reason neither you or him told anyone about it. It was so natural and it just happened. You were spending a lot of time together, doing boyfriend and girlfriend things until this one day he asked if you wanted to be his girlfriend and of course you accepted. But without even realizing it, the relation was been kept a secret. 

This one day you were at Scott's house since Isaac was now currently living there. No one else was home but you two and for a moment you thought what would Scott think if he found you both there alone, would he think you were just friends? You were happy with Isaac and it's not like you both tried your best to hide the relation but neither tried to show it to others as well. 

"Hey Isaac?" 

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks as he notices you look worried. 

"Why no one knows about our relation? We have been dating for a while now and no one seems to know about it. Why didn't you told Scott?" 

He stays silent for a while. He probably didn't knew exactly what to say. You didn't wanted to argue or make him feel bad. You just wanted to know. If you had to blame someone, he wasn't the only one, you also didn't told anyone about dating Isaac. 

"I'm sorry, it just never occurred me to do so. Also you know how complicated our lives are. I didn't had time yet to just sit and talk about romance with Scott." 

He had a point. And now you were scared that he thought you were accusing him of something. But you could understand it very well. It was the same with you, Allison and Lydia. Everyone always so busy with everything that has been going on that there is no time for romance. Lydia was trying to figure out her banshee powers in order to help the pack, while you were training with Allison. The Humans only choices. Not even for a second you had thought about talking about boys. Even though you couldn't be happier with Isaac and you wanted to show it to the whole world.

All of that gave you an idea. Everyone needed it and you thought it would be good to not feel stressed, in dangerous. 

"We need to go out like all of us. Like normal teenagers do. And for one night we need to stop being werewolves, banshees, hunters, all of that. We need to be teenagers, normal ones, with nothing to keep us in dangerous." You tell Isaac.

"That's going to be hard, but we could really use a normal night." He replies.

Right away you decide to text Lydia and Allison. They would make sure to tell Scott and Stiles, and it would be a triple date night. And finally you would be able to tell them all that you and Isaac were now a couple. You had to be honest, all those girls looking at him at school, made you jealous, and they also needed to know he was already taken. 

Scott would be home any minute so you leave. When he gets home he talks to Isaac about the going out thing and he seems to be looking forward for it. 

You had the idea but Allison and Stiles suggest the place to go, the icerink. They were there once and besides what happened to Lydia, they left like teenagers. It would be nice to do it again. 

You were now on the rink and Isaac was sitting watching you, he couldn't help but have the biggest smile on his face. You kept calling him to join you. And that's when Allison notices something is up.

"You like Santana don't you?" She asks Isaac and she's smiling.

"Well... In fact, I love Santana." 

"Oh my God, have you told her already?" 

Isaac gets shy and he isn't sure what to reply. Should he just tell it already? Or should he wait for you to tell with him. Either way he was getting nervous and confuse so he just tells Allison already.

"We are dating." Isaac replies with a shy smile.

"Oh my god! Isaac and Santana are DATING." Allison says and everyone else hears it. 

You get the usual questions as "why didn't you told me", "how long" and so on. You were happy that finally they knew and now it felt like you could finally touch, hug, hold hands, kiss, do all of that in front them, because they already knew. 

The triple date continues and after the icerink, you all go out to eat something. Everyone was excited, and for one night, no one was different, no one was in dangerous. There were no werewolf talks, nothing. You were all just a bunch of teenagers on a triple date, in love, a normal life.

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