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"Stiles? Stiles are you there?" Lydia knocks on the door. She hasn't seen her best friend all day, so she figures something might have happened.

"What's wrong?" She asks as he opens up the door and she notices he has been crying.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"Stiles, talk to me. Something happened. That's pretty obvious. Haven't seen you all day. Neither has Scott. You didn't picked up the phone and now you look like you have been crying. Stiles, what happened?" 

Lydia knew Stiles too well. She knew that look on his face. And she also knew exactly who was behind it. 

"I'm fine Lydia. Seriously." He replies.

"I'm not leaving you alone. Please tell me Stiles."

"Fine." He sighs. Then he sits on his bed and she sits right next to him.

"Me and Cassandra broke up."


"I don't know. Some stupid thing." He replies.

"And you are just going to stay here? Crying, and apparently drinking" She points at the bottle on the floor, near his bed. "And you are not going to do something about it?"

"What exactly do you want me to do?" 

"First you are going to tell me exactly what happened and then you are going after her. And talk it out. Stiles, a love like yours doesn't die that easily."

Stiles knew there was no point in trying to fight with Lydia, she wasn't going to let him go until he told her everything. 

"Feel better?" She asks.

"Not really, no."

"Go talk to her Stiles."

And so he does. Perhaps he was already a bit drunk, but Lydia's word did had some impact. 


You were just staring at your laptop. Desperately trying to find something that could help you and actually make you distracted, but that task was being pointless. Until someone knocks on your door.

"Oh, came to tell me again how stupid and dumb I am for wanting the bite?"

You regret right away sounding a bit too harsh, even more when you realize he's drunk, but also that probably didn't meant any good.

"Stiles, please. Are you drunk?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. But I'm here because, we need to talk."

"Well, I think we did plenty of that already and it did not ended well." You reply and you point at his face. Although you weren't the one who did that. It was in fact Derek.

Stiles discovered that you wanted the bite, so he went straight to Derek, saying how he thought it was a bad idea, and it ended up in sort of a fight. Not that Stiles actually stood a chance. But he went for it anyway.

"I did some thinking. And I also had some help."

Lydia. You figure it out right away.

"Cassandra, I love you. And I'm sorry for being such an asshole. I'm sorry that I didn't realized how important and the reasons you want to do it. I thought only about myself and how I feel about it. I mean, I've seen what the bite has done to my life, to my best friends life, and I was so scared for you. But now I understand, and It's my job to support you no matter what. Even though I didn't agreed at first, and I do have the right to feel that way, but I should have never done or acted the way I did."

"Stiles.. I, I understand. And I didn't wanted any of this to happen. Not in this way. I love you more than anything. And this is a decision I want us to make together. "

"So, you haven't decided yet?"

"No. You silly. I mentioned it, but it wasn't decided. Not without you. Stiles I love you, you know that and I know all that we have been through, I would never decide this on my own. I need you."

"I'm so sorry Cassandra."

"Well I'm glad you are in time. I love you."

"I love you too Cassandra." 

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