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This imagine was written by @bulezaaa (twitter username)

Imagine for readingchicari 


Ariana and Scott, the most beautiful and loved couple on Beacon Hills. Tomorrow is Ariana and Scott's anniversary of their relationship. 

Ariana just got up and checked her phone, nothing new, not any new messages from Scott or her bestfriend Lydia. After brushing her teeth, wearing some clothes and eating breakfast, Ariana decides to call Lydia to come over so they can talk about her anniversary. Ariana is pretty worried about something is going on with Scott and she decides to call him. He was at Stiles's working some stuff out. 

Later that night, Ariana just couldn't sleep. She stayed up all night thinking about Scott. Next morning, she wakes up grumpy, she slept just for like 3 hours and she is very tired. As she was about to start eating, she receivs a message from Scott, he says "Babe you should come over my house tonight at 8, there's something Stiles and I discovered about the deal pool thing xx love ya bae" Ariana was pretty mad that Scott forgot about their anniversary.

It's already 8pm and you walk down to Scott's house. You walk in and you see the most beautiful and romantic thing in the world. There was a table filled with good and healthy food and there was Scott. Standing and wearing a suit. He walked towards you and said "Happy our 3rd anniversary babe". You are completely shocked but happy. 

You kiss him passionately and you guys enjoy your dinner while laughing and saying beautiful things to each other. You guys end up cuddling together and watching movies. This was the best night of your life.


Again, this imagine was written @bulezaaa (twitter username.) All credit goes for her. 

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