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Someone knocks on the door. The house, wasn't in it's best, not after the fire. However, it was nice to just spend time there with Derek. It was Stiles outside, and he had no idea you were there and you also didn't thought he should know. So you just stay there and you end up listening to the conversation.

"What do you want Stiles?"

"Well I heard you had a girlfriend. And we all know, what happens when you have a girlfriend. Is this serious Derek?"

"Why should you care?"

"We know how you are. We want to know, if you are really into Kira. If it's serious and she should be trusted."

"Stiles, I love her. I really love her. And I'm trying to not mess things up."

That seemed to calm down Stiles, it was obvious that Scott and all, sent him there. They were worried about Derek. But he seemed just fine. And he seemed to really care about you. You show up and Derek seems surprised to see you.

"I didn't knew you were there." He says holding you by your waist. "Did you heard  it all?"

You just nod. And he kisses you. You had to go, so you kiss him a little longer. You let him know where you are going and for how long. You just leave and hours start to pass and Derek begins to feel really worried about you. He can't wait any longer so he leaves, in hopes to find you.


"Get your dirty little hands out of her." He says as he starts to walk slowly towards you and the weird guy that was holding you.

You can see his eyes turn red, as he keeps walking and you know he is angry. The guy grabs you harder and you can nearly feel all your bones breaking. This guy is extremely strong. You think to yourself in the middle of the pain. 

Each time Derek takes a step, the guy hurts you even more. This time you can feel the knife right behind your back. You have no idea how this happened. You were on your own, going back to Derek's place when all of the sudden this guy shows up.

"I told you to let her go."

"Oh Derek, you know I can't do that."

What the hell, he knows Derek...

"Let her go"

"I can't. You have to pay. You have to lose her."

You figure out that whole thing had to do with something personal about Derek and his past, but you couldn't care any less at the moment. All you wanted was to reach Derek's arms and never leave. And mostly get rid of all the pain you were feeling. 

"Derek..." You whisper, and now you couldn't control the tears. The pain was too much. 

Derek gives two more steps and the guy freaks out and stabs you. You scream in pain and you faint. The pain was too much.

"KIRA!" Derek screams and he runs towards you. The guy lets you fall and the fight begins. Derek gets in his werewolf form. 

The fight ends up pretty badly. The other guy ends up running away, and Derek goes near you right away. You were still unconscious and your wounds looked really bad. He can that the guy broke some of your bones and the knife wound was getting worse and worse. He had no other choice.

Derek grabs you and takes you to his house. He lays you down. "I'm so sorry Kira. But I have no other choice." He tells you even though you couldn't hear him. He was crying and he just does it. 

Derek Hale gives you the bite.

For him, it was the only thing that could save you. You become a werewolf and it would help you heal. He thought about taking you to the hospital, but there wasn't much they could do, you were basically dead already. The wound was getting worse, and your bones, he doesn't knows how, but somehow, they were broke in a way, there wasn't much a doctor could do. If he didn't gave you the bite, you would end up dying soon.

The wait for you to wake up was killing him. He walks around wondering if bite actually work, considering the state you were in already. He can't help but to blame himself. He should have never let himself fall for you. Everyone around him gets hurt.


He immediately stops and gets on his knees right beside you.

"Derek" You say again, this time you have a smile on your face. You can slowly feel the pain going away. You were healing.

"Thank god, it worked" he replies and he kisses you right away. You can almost feel his pain, how afraid he was to lose you. "I was so scared. And I'm so sorry. I should have never let you get involved with me." 

"Derek, don't. None of this is your fault. I love you okay?" 

He nods. "I love you too."

You start to feel a little bit and he explains to you everything that happened after you blacked out and how he had to turn you into a werewolf so you could heal. You don't feel mad, in fact you feel happy, now you were just like him. And you could also protect yourself better and him.

 "I love you Derek Hale. You will never lose me, and I don't care about your past at all. You are mine and I am yours. And we are in this together." You tell him and you hug him. You know he needed this. After everything that happened with him, you were happy to be right there beside him, helping him and supporting him. All he ever needed was love. Someone to love him and never ask anything in return. To truly love him, with no double faces, no lies, nothing to hide. And you were more than happy that he was letting to do that. He was letting you to love the famous Derek Hale, deeply.

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