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Attention: This imagine includes a sex scene. I know I can't really control that but don't read if you are underage or like really young! 


"Hey, Liam" Mason is yelling at him. "Liam focus." 

"Shut up Mason. Let me watch."

Mason wasn't sure what exactly was Liam watching. There were exercising and what could possibly be so important it was making Liam lose all of his focus? Therefore Mason decides to look. It was a girl. It was that girl. 

"What is she even doing here?" 

"What? Just because she's a girl?" Liam turns around to face Mason.

"Maybe you should talk to her Liam. Tell her how you feel." 

"Shut up Mason. She won't care." 

Thing is you would care. There was a reason why you there, you wanted to check up on Liam. You have put your eyes on him since you first saw him at school. He looked gorgeous and so much better than all the guys in your year, he was different, and he was hanging out with Scott, Stiles, Lydia, older ones, so he had to be quite something right? 

Yes, you have talked to him before, you sort of knew each other already, but you never thought he would actually give a damn about you, especially when he was hanging out with the older kids. You have tried to talk more to him, however, it was quite difficult, you never knew what to say or do, and you were always scared to fuck things up. 

The best way you found out to be around him, was just, well, stalking him. But today, today it was different. You couldn't help but hear the conversation between Liam and Mason, however, you had your doubts if they were actually talking about you. So you decide to not talk about it either.

You end up leaving and you feel Liam's eyes staring at you as you leave. That made you feel really happy inside. You decide to wait a few days to make sure you were right about what you heard. Days passed and you noticed the talks between him and Mason and how Mason was getting tired of Liam always looking at you and not doing a thing about it. 

"Hi, Liam" You can't believe you were doing this. Deep down you knew that all thing was because of you, but also, you had that fear, that it was all just a mess, and they meant some other girl.

"Hi there." He replies to you and you notice how nervous he looks. A good sign right?

"Mind if I seat?" 

"Do it, please." 

You sit and it's actually awkward because, for a few minutes, no one says a word. You were both alone at the table.

"So, want to go out sometime?" He asks you. "Yes, of course." You reply to him and you decide to give him your phone number. 

That was the most awkward thing you have ever done, that included a boy but the result was actually quite nice. You were afraid, and hoping that the date won't be so awkward as that first talk.

The name comes, and the date went perfect. No awkward moments, in fact, there was barely a moment where you didn't talk. Yes, you had a crush on Liam, but you never thought you two would have so much in common and connect so well. Same music tastes, you liked video games as well, it was all so perfect. You couldn't be happier. 

You two go on more dates. And you start spending a lot of time together. So much time, that trying to hide his secret, becomes nearly impossible. So after being dates for a month or so, Liam decides to tell you the truth. 

You were getting tired of seeing him always so scared and like he was hiding something and sometimes even hurt, that you wanted to know the truth. He was scared at first, but he ends up telling you. 


That was something, you didn't expect at all, a werewolf, who knew. Of course, he lets you know also about Scott, in order to explain everything straight and in a way you could understand. You actually don't feel scared at all, and you are glad he was able to share that with you. It was important and it's who he is now. 




You were both in his room. It was dark and you two had been playing video games for like hours. No one was home. His stepdad was working, and you think his mum was too. 

"I want to." You tell him and you really hoping that he will get it because you really didn't want to say it straight away. 

"Are you sure?" He says and he gets closer to you. 

"I'm sure. Are you?" 

"Hell yes." He replies and he starts kissing you. 

As the kiss becomes more intense, he takes off your shirt, and both lay on the bed. He was on top of you and both take off each other's clothes. Soon both were naked, and it was slightly cold so you get under the covers. 

"Do you have?" 

"Yes, yes of course." He replies, and he leans and takes a condom out of his drawer. 

It all feels awkward and weird, but you were happy to be with him. Liam was a werewolf now, meaning he had a bit more strength than he used to and at first that was a concern to you.

"Please don't hurt me." That comes out completely involuntary and you scared that he would be offended or hurt by those words. 

"I would never." He replies and he kisses you softly. 

He slowly goes inside of you and you can't help but feel overwhelmed with some pain. Liam tries his best to not hurt you and mostly to not use his werewolf strength. He moves slowly, making sure that you adjust easily and that you feel less pain as possible. 


You wake up and you see Liam right next to you. He looked like a little puppy and he looked gorgeous. Suddenly you begin to feel a little bit of shame. 

It really happened. Omg what if his parents come in, what did I do? 

You were starting to freak out a little bit, and you try to get up and that's when Liam wakes up. 

"Is everything okay?" He asks you looking concerned. 

"What if your parents get in here?" You ask him back. And just looking at his face and listening to his voice you begin to calm down a little bit.

"It's okay. They won't. The least they would do is knocking on the door. Don't worry." He couldn't help but think he had something wrong the previous night and that now you were scared or something and you wanted to leave. 

You didn't want him to think that, so you try to calm down. After all, you did nothing wrong, it was a natural thing. And his parents hadn't knocked on the door yet, you didn't even know if they were at least home.

You take a shower and put on the same clothes you had on the previous day. After all that freaking out after you woke up, you were now feeling really happy and glad it all happened the way it did. You were truly falling in love with Liam and you couldn't be happier.

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