Isaac Lahey

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Imagine for LillyBrooks4ever


You were going on a date with your boyfriend Jasper tonight but before going you decide to give a call to your best friend, Isaac Lahey. You had the perfect relation with him, you feel like you could tell him anything and he was just the sweetest guy ever and even though you knew all about the werewolves and that he was one you weren't afraid at all, he always had your back. 

You get ready and after calling to Isaac you call Jasper to let him know you were ready and on your way to the restaurant but he doesn't answer so you call again and again since he doesn't answer at all you decide to go to his place first to see if something happened. On your way there you text Isaac telling him what happened and you were going to Jasper's house, you were worried something might have happened to him, Isaac replies asking if you needed him to go with you just in case but you decide it's probably nothing and he doesn't have to. 

You get there and you knock on the door but he doesn't show up, you wait a long time until you decide to look for the key that Jasper usually has under the vessel, he basically lived alone since his parents were always out of town in work. You already dated Jasper when you first met Isaac, it's like since you and Jasper were littles everyone wanted you two to be together and you grew up with that idea. 

You get the key and you get close to the door, you can hear a few giggles coming from inside and you wonder if his parents were back in town and Jasper wanted to be with them, but if that's so why wouldn't he let you know about it or even text, would save you the trouble. You open the door and it's a bit dark, there weren't any signs of Jasper's parents being back so he was probably alone, you hear some more giggles and it kinda seems like it's a girl, you try to think of every other possible choice, maybe it's a friend, a cousin who knows, couldn't be a sister because he didn't have one, you walk trying not to make any sort of noise and you see the door of his room opened and you see this girl dancing in some really naughty way and she's talking her clothes off, you try once again to find some excuse for what you were seeing  but then you hear him laugh and asking her to get closer, you look better to her face and you recognize her! They were always together in lab classes, and they used to do so many works together, you remember how he used to say she sucked and she was boring and he preferred doing the works with me but sadly he couldn't. 

You try to gain force  to walk in the room but before you decide to call him again, his phone rings but he just ignores it. You want to walk in and say how hurt you are but deep down all that actually hurts is the fact that he didn't have the decency to just break up with you instead of cheating, what hurts is being cheated on and all that time with him that you just feel like it was a waste of time, you try to look deep down for some feelings about losing him and being hurt about losing him but you realize love feelings were long gone and so were his or he wouldn't be able to do that, you were just mad because you were lied to, you finally get the strength to walk in there. 

- So is this where we are going to have our date? - You ask looking right into his eyes, you didn't even felt like crying, just yet... He just stares at you without being able to speak as the other girl gets dress and runs away. - Jasper! Are you going to speak or not? 

- Lilly... I... I'm sorry! I didn't want you to find out like this! 

- I don't even want to hear you, nevermind, just shut up. You didn't even wanted me to find out, I know who she is, you have been doing this for so long, why didn't you broke up with me? If you weren't happy, why lie and cheat on me? What does that give to you? Nothing. Well, I'm dumping you obviously.  - You left the house and your first thought was Isaac, he was the only one in your mind after that and the one that could help you get through it. 

You text Isaac saying you were going to his place and then you drive there, as you were in the car you start thinking about how you were actually glad you weren't with Jasper anymore, he was the worse to you, both had really nice times together but he didn't deserve you, not after knowing what he had been doing and then you started thinking if Isaac would ever be able to do something like that and you realize he likes you too much for it. 

When you get to his home Isaac is already at the door waiting for you, you leave the car and your first reaction is to run to his arms and you start crying right there, he hugs you and tells you everything is going to be fine. 

Both get inside and go to his room he tells you to sit on his bed while he grabs something from the kitchen. 

- So popcorns, hot chocolate - He smiles to you leaving the stuff on a table and grabbing a couple of DVD's. - And some movies! You totally need a night like this. 

You smile to him knowing exactly that it was what you needed, he knew you better than anyone else. Before the movies you tell him every single detail of what happened, he doesn't answer and the first movie starts until he finally speaks.

- I think you just need to open your eyes a bit more, there's someone out there who appreciates you for who you are. 

You don't realize right away but he was staring at you, with a serious look and at the same time scared, he wanted to say more but he was afraid. 

He gives up and just keeps watching the movie when once again you realize all that stuff he did for you, what he still does, he loves you, he always did and you realize so do you, you love him and maybe that's the reason why it actually felt right to break up with Jasper, besides the fact he was an idiot to you. 

- You love me... - You say all the sudden and you look to him seeing the surprise on his eyes and the shy smile growing - I think I love you too... But not in a best friends way... 

 He smiles and leans to you slowly kissing you and it was simply perfect. Isaac holds your waist slowly holding your face with his left hand and the kiss becomes bigger soon as you realize you were on top of him and you were making out, suddenly you stop.

- Is this right? I mean I just broke up with Jasper....

- You and Jasper were single a long time ago. - He replies turning you around, he was now on top of you and you could feel all his weight, you touch his chest and you take off his shirt. 

Soon both were nearly naked. 


You end up falling asleep to his bare chest, even though you had just broken up with boyfriend of a long time you were feeling happier than ever, Isaac really loves you and was patient enough to wait, never rushing you with any feelings, just being there always for you in every moment and you knew he would never do the same that Jasper did. Isaac turns off the tv who was still playing some movie and strokes your hair softly kissing your lips before also falling asleep. And you wish you could stay like that forever.

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