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Imagine for youtube1dlaheylove 


You met Isaac when both of you were younger and never did you thought you two would have some sort of relationship when grown up. You had left Beacon Hills with your parents but now with your uncles death, you were back. And for your surprised, you find out Isaac is a werewolf. You always liked those sort of things, supernatural, but you never actually thought such things were possible to exist. Turns out they do.

You join Beacon Hills high school and you were excited to see Isaac again. 

"Rhiya!!!!!!" He says right away as he sees you. He looked more than happy. "I'm so glad you are finally here." 

He shows you around and he introduces you to Scott and the rest. You liked them all, Stiles was hilarious, Scott seemed a wonderful person, so did Allison, she was beautiful and Lydia, she was gorgeous. You liked them a lot and you couldn't wait to hang out with all of them. 

Later on, you have a conversation with Isaac and he tells you all about werewolves, hunters, everything and to be honest you felt a bit scared. Few days later he introduces you to Derek. Your mouth literally drop, he was gorgeous, sexy, hot, everything. somehow, you feel really bad for having such thoughts about him, especially with Isaac right by your side, and you liked Isaac a lot. However, Derek was just too hot to not have inappropriate thoughts about. You tried really hard to Derek not notice, but he was a werewolf after all, and he could smell it from distance the effects he was having you. Sadly so did Isaac. 

You notice he starts to act different, like he was sad and jealous. Should I or should I not say something? You spend most of the time with that question, not sure what to do about it but eventually you ask him. 

"Well Rhiya to be honest, yes I got mad. I really really like you and however, you had those thoughts with Derek."

You blush. "Was it that obvious?" Oops, maybe you shouldn't have said that.

"Are you serious right now Rhiya?" 

"I'm sorry Isaac, I'm so sorry. I like you too a lot." ^Without you expecting he kisses you. Something never felt so good in your entire life like that kiss felt.

A few days pass and you start dating Isaac. Everytime you have to stay alone in the room with Derek, you try really hard not to have temptations. It's not like you like Derek, you don't, at least not in romantic ways or anything, but it was impossible to not feel the sexual tension around him, and you were sure, you weren't the only one to feel that.

This some day, there was a fight, sadly you were caught up between it. Isaac tries his best to reach out to you in time to safe you, but was too late, you were caught. He watches you as you fall down on the floor. He had bruises in his face and Derek appears behind him putting his hand on his shoulder. Scott reaches out for you and after the shock Isaac runs for you also. They notice your wound, you were scratched, by a werewolf. Isaac takes you home and he takes care of you. 

After a day or so he notices your chances, you were becoming a werewolf.

"Shh... Babe. I'm here for you no matter what. I'll help you. I love you." He tells you.


This imagine was written by myself. Enjoy. 

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