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Imagine for ZakeyahSimpson


you have been on Beacon Hills high school for quite a long time but You never really talked too much to Isaac And his crew until that day when He saved you, ever since you couldn't stop thinking about him and the way he cared so much about you.
you were in the middle of the hallway and you had no classes to go and you see him standing there, everything he did, just his way of being made you like him even more. he notices you are there and Waves at you and slowly gets closer.

- hi! how are you Zakeyah? - he gets and softly he touches your arm.

- hey Isaac. I'm good, what about you? - you ask in return and both stay talking like that for quite a long time until it times for both go home.

as you walk to your home you can't stop thinking in that day when You met him and he basically saved your life. 

"you werereallytired and just walkingback to your house whenall of the sudden you hear a girl'sscream, it seemed to come from the woods and first you keep walkingbut Then shescreams again and you just couldn't ignore it so you decide to walkinto the woodsdirection. As you get there you can see a girl, sheseemed familiar and when You werealmostnearherthis boy appears and takes you out of there. You aren'tsurewhatexactlyreallyhappened as it was too fast but You just couldfeel him, that boy hugging you and oh fine he was.

- are you ok? - he asks, but you don'tanswer as you just staylost in his gorgeouseyes. - what's your name? - he makes you anotherquestion.

- sorry... myname is Zakeyah and yes I'm fine, thanks. who are you?

- myname is Isaac and I just saved your life. - he smiles

he takes you home and eversincethat day you twohave been friends and each day it passed you couldfeel more and attracted to him."

the next day you wake up with texts from him, you get happy and you get really fast so you could meet him at school. As you walk there he tells you he has been thinking a lot lately and he has a question to make you and so he does. You couldn't believe he had asked you such thing and soon as you noticed you just lose all the senses.

- Zakeyah?! Are you alright? - you open your eyes really slowly and you notice you are in Isaac's arms.

- What happened? - you ask him without understanding what was going on.

- Well I think you fainted, and you didn't answered my question... do you want to go on a date with me? like boyfriend and girlfriend...

You look to him and before you had any time to faint again you say yes!

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